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A full set of 8 Winner X decorative accessories with Carbon paint

11/08/2017 482 đã xem

A full set of 8 Winner X decorative accessories with Carbon paint

In order to encourage customers to attach a full set of carbon-painted Winner X car decoration accessories, Hoang Tri Racing Shop launched a full set of 8 Winner X carbon-painted accessories so that customers can't choose to have a full car toy right away. Winner X carbon paint at a great price compared to buying each accessory individually. What are those 8 accessories? See details below and buy now to get a good price!

For the Winner X car toy line with  carbon paint,  you should get the whole set to look more beautiful and stronger than the manufacturer version. In particular, for carbon paint products, in addition to the Winner X car decoration feature,   you can also protect the interior accessories when covering the outside of the car's zin items.

You can completely buy and install for your pet, order right at the sales channels of Hoang Tri Racing Shop. If you have a need to install  Winner X  car toys  in general and Winner X carbon paint accessories, don't forget a reputable address that provides a full and complete set  of Winner X toys  in Ho Chi Minh City.

Full set of 8 Winner X Carbon painted decorative accessories including:

- Cover Winner X slug with carbon paint

- Cover Winner X with carbon paint

- Winner X front footrest with carbon paint

- Winner X engine cover with carbon paint

- Winner X mask cover with carbon paint

- Winner X front light cover with carbon paint

- Winner X driving light cover with carbon paint

- Winner X rear footrest with carbon paint

Bạn có thể đặt hàng online Hoàng Trí có hỗ trợ ship trên toàn quốc. Hoặc đến trực tiếp 1 trong 2 chi nhánh để có thể trải nghiệm nhiều phụ kiện trang trí xe Winner X hơn:

Địa chỉ 1: 158 -160 Hàn Hải Nguyên, Phường 8, Quận 11, TP.HCM

Địa chỉ 2: 586 Phạm Thế Hiển, Phường 4, Quận 8, TP.HCM

Điện thoại: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Lưu ý: Các mẫu hoa văn, họa tiết có thể thay đổi theo thời gian do nhà sản xuất đổi mẫu. Quý khách đặt mua hàng online vui lòng thông cảm cho sự thay đổi mẫu mã không mong muốn này. Cảm ơn

8 carbon paint accessories for Winner X

8 phụ kiện sơn carbon gắn xe Winner X

Winner X car toy with beautiful carbon paint

Đồ chơi xe Winner X sơn carbon đẹp mắt

A full set of 8 Winner X car decoration accessories with carbon paint

Trọn bộ 8 phụ kiện trang trí xe Winner X sơn carbon

Winner X mask cover with carbon paint

Ốp mặt nạ Winner X sơn carbon

Winner X front lights with carbon paint

Ốp đèn trước Winner X sơn carbon

Winner X front lights with carbon paint

Ốp đèn trước Winner X sơn carbon

Winner X slug cover with carbon paint

Che sên Winner X sơn carbon

Winner X slug cover with carbon paint

Che sên Winner X sơn carbon

Winner X front footrest and engine cover with carbon paint

Ốp lốc máy và ốp gác chân trước Winner X sơn carbon

Close-up of the front footpegs and Winner X engine block with carbon paint

Close-up of the front footpegs and Winner X engine block with carbon paint

Winner x carbon paint steering wheel

Winner x carbon paint steering wheel

Winner X cover with carbon paint

Winner X cover with carbon paint

Close-up details of winner x carbon paint

Close-up details of winner x carbon paint

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