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Airblade transparent hood 2013 - 2018

11/08/2017 424 đã xem

Airblade transparent hood 2013 - 2018

Along with the launch of SH 2017 transparent fenders, Hoang Tri Racing Shop also imported the same model for the Airblade 2013 - 2018. Promising that the Airblade 2013 - 2018 transparent hood will adorn the driver. your pet a new look and new experience.

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When traveling on the road, you will be noticed by everyone thanks to the transparent fender because others can fully see the inside of your car's air filter. It's unique to be able to see inside the car's accessories.

Is it difficult to install the Airblade 2013 - 2018 transparent hood?

Totally easy, you can completely install it yourself with simple steps:

Step 1: Remove the airblade 2013 - 2018 exhaust cover from the car.

Step 2:   Use the Airblade transparent fender that you bought at Hoang Tri Racing Shop to install on the car.

You can choose 1 of 4 colors: black, pink , red and blue to decorate your car more colorful and beautiful. Surely your pet will be more interesting after installing this accessory. Buy online at Hoang Tri Racing Shop's website or go to the shop to buy Airblade 2013 - 2018 transparent bumper case .

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Tel: (028) 6 271 3025

Mobifone: 0909 50 30 25 - 0909 60 30 25

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Tel: (028) 6 68 63 586

Mobifone: 0909 17 47 13 - 0909 47 47 13

4 colors of Airblade transparent bumper cover 2013 - 2018

4 colors of Airblade transparent bumper cover 2013 - 2018

Smoke black transparent hood with accessories

Smoke black transparent hood with accessories

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Airblade 2016 transparent hood with decorative pets

Close-up of 6 pets decorated in transparent po e

Close-up of 6 pets decorated in transparent po e

Additional costs incurred when adding pets to the transparent po e

Additional costs incurred when adding pets to the transparent po e

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Another 2016 Ariblade comes with a white transparent exhaust

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In addition, there are additional accessories inside the transparent pot

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