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Anti-theft lock Sh 2012-Remote control

11/08/2017 406 đã xem

Installing a remote-controlled anti-theft lock for your car helps you both protect your valuables and ensure your health when there is an incident in the middle of an empty road.

Anti-theft lock with remote control



Have you ever thought of equipping your loved one with an anti-theft lock to prevent you from traveling on empty roads or when you leave your car in a location out of your sight?


* Anti-robbery when traveling on empty roads

The anti-theft lock with anti-theft and anti-theft features is controlled by remote very safe and effective. When you are attacked by robbers trying to take your property, your beloved car is traveling on an empty road, now you just pretend to do it and just give him the car keys to make sure. make sure you are safe, if you resist it will be very dangerous because crooks are very reckless in situations like this.

After the crook gets into your car and runs away for a short distance, now press the alarm button of the remote to control the car's engine shutdown and at this time the thief will not be able to continue to control your car because all Even the power source on the car no longer works and the siren also emits a loud noise, causing the crooks to panic and run away.


* Anti-theft when leaving the car out of sight 

The second case also often happens in public places because you let your guard down and your beloved driver flies without wings. You have locked the car collar carefully and you think your car is safe, but not sure because the crook is very professional when he intends to steal your car, within 10 seconds he can break it. lock your car, then get in the car and drive away, even if you find out now, it's too late. 

Trong tình huống này bạn hãy chọn giải pháp cài báo động ngay sau khi bạn đã khoá cổ xe vì nếu kẻ gian có bẻ khoá cổ xe thì lúc này còi báo động sẽ phát tín hiệu rất lớn giúp cho bạn hoặc những người xung quanh chú ý đến tiếng kêu inh ỏi đó phát ra từ xe của bạn và như thế là xế yêu của bạn đã được thoát nạn.


Ngoài những tính năng chống trộm chống cướp như đã nêu trên thì bộ sản phẩm này còn có thể giúp cho bạn tìm xe trong bãi một cách dễ dàng. Bạn chỉ cần bấm nút tìm xe và tín hiệu sẽ phát ra từ xe của bạn giúp cho bạn tìm thấy xe của mình một cách nhanh chóng.


Tóm tắt các tính năng của bộ khoá chống trộm bằng Remote: 

1. Báo động khi có người đụng vào xe của bạn

2. Tìm xe dễ dàng trong bãi giữ xe

3. Khởi động xe không cần chìa khóa

4. Light indicator if you don't want the beeping…beep…tick to disturb you when you leave your car in the house. However, when the thief breaks the lock or inserts the key into the main switch to get the car, it will still make a howl to let you know that your car is being attacked by the thief.


When you decide to equip your car with an anti-theft lock with a remote, you can rest assured when you come to Hoang Tri stainless steel shop. Make sure not to affect the power supply in your vehicle and do not cut any electrical wires on the vehicle to ensure your safety when driving.

Anti-theft lock set has been installed on Sh 2012.

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