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Back bag PCX 2014-2018 CNC aluminum - SMOK

11/08/2017 395 đã xem

Back bag PCX 2014-2018 CNC aluminum - SMOK

Baga after PCX 2014-2018 CNC aluminum - SMOK is a new baga model that has just landed at Hoang Tri Shop. This baga model is quite similar to the previously introduced PCX 2014-2018 extended baga model. However, this PCX 2014-2018 aluminum CNC - SMOK baga has a simplified design as well as a neater one for customers who love minimalism. Consult and immediately equip your pet with this baga model after PCX 2014-2018 at Hoang Tri Shop.

Similar products:  Extended rear bag for PCX 2014 - 2018

The baga after PCX 2014-2018 SMOK is made of monolithic aluminum material and completely machined with perfect precision. The rear baga PCX 2014-2018 CNC aluminum SMOK gives your car a longer rear seat. In addition to extending the rear saddle, after installing the rear baga PCX 2014-2018 SMOK also brings benefits:

- For backpackers: For backpackers, the PCX 2014-2018 SMOK rear bag will make it easier for you to equip a genuine givi rear case and your trip will have more space to store personal items. In addition, create a sporty style for your pet as soon as you equip the SMOK rear baga with PCX and genuine givi box .

- For families with many members: you can cheat the extended rear seat to be able to sit down if your family has many members. There is more space for the saddle to help the whole family sit more comfortably.

If you own a PCX 2014, PCX 2018 with the desire to add a rear baga for your car to change your style as well as experience the conveniences that the product brings, you can order it right at the website because the product Standard installation, no porridge, so you can install it at home without knowing anything about technology. Come to one of the 2 branches of Hoang Tri Racing Shop for more advice and experience the product directly before deciding to buy.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Back bag PCX 2014-2018 CNC aluminum - SMOK (front and back)

Back bag PCX 2014-2018 CNC aluminum - SMOK (front and back)

Sản phẩm có 2 màu sắc cho bạn lựa chọn: đen và bạc

The product has 2 colors for you to choose: black and silver

Nhân viên đang gắn baga sau SMOK cho chiếc PCX

The staff is attaching the SMOK rear baga to the PCX

Anh khách lựa chọn màu trắng làm cho xế cưng nổi bật hơn

The customer chose white to make his car stand out more

Ăn gian chiều dài yên sau dành cho những gia đình có nhiều thành viên

Cheat rear saddle length for families with many members

Góc nhìn từ phía trước cho baga sau SMOK

Front view for rear baga SMOK

Baga sau gắn trực tiếp lên tay dắt phía sau của xe PCX

The rear baga is directly attached to the rear handle of the PCX

Cận cảnh chi tiết baga SMOK màu đen đã được trang bị cho PCX

Close-up details of black SMOK baga that have been fitted to PCX

Thêm một xế cưng đến lắp đặt bộ đôi baga sau SMOK và phuộc Racing Boy Premium VD

Another pet driver came to install the SMOK rear baga duo and Racing Boy Premium VD forks

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