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Benelli 302 . scratched aluminum decal stickers

11/08/2017 403 đã xem

Benelli 302 . scratched aluminum decal stickers

On the occasion of Tet, at the end of the year, drivers have a need to "tweak" their beloved cars to welcome a new New Year because the Vietnamese concept of the new year everything must be new to have full luck for the whole year. So, at the end of the year, motorbike refurbishing shops and especially car glueing services in particular and scratched aluminum decals in general are very popular. Attracting many customers at the scratch aluminum decal sticker service because this is a new decal model and many people love it because of the novelty and uniqueness of this decal.

Hoang Tri Racing Shop welcomed customers to apply scratch decals to change color to cover defects for their beloved cars because used cars are worn out and have a few scratches. Just like gluing a color-changing decal, sticking a scratched aluminum decal will also go through the following steps:

1. Choose color code from catalog

2. Decide the color to up

3. Confirm with staff and start pasting.

With a metallic gray color, the customer's Benelli 302 is like wearing an armor full of personality and especially like a brand new car just bought from the company. With scratched aluminum decal, your car will be fully glued from head to tail. In addition to the scratched aluminum decal , the customer's Benelli 302 also added a color decal to increase the prominence and personality.

Please have a look at Benelli 302 scratched aluminum decal stickers at Hoang Tri Racing Shop:

Another Benelli-loving driver came to paste the scratched aluminum decal at the shop with color code 8501

Another Benelli-loving driver came to paste the scratched aluminum decal at the shop with color code 8501

The color code that the driver chooses to stick on the car

The color code that the driver chooses to stick on the car

Color code 8504

Seamless 8504 scratch decal stickers with metallic aluminum color

Seamless 8504 scratch decal stickers with metallic aluminum color

Close-up details clearly see each scratch of the decal on the car after pasting

Close-up details clearly see each scratch of the decal on the car after pasting

The fuel tank and chicken wings are made of metal, which is quite beautiful

The fuel tank and chicken wings are made of metal, which is quite beautiful

Xế yêu dán thêm decal để trông đẹp và ngầu hơn

Cars love to add decals to look more beautiful and cool

Cận cảnh chi tiết bình xăng sau khi dán decal nhôm xước

Close-up of the fuel tank details after sticking the scratched aluminum decal

Trọn bộ view toàn cảnh

The whole view of "him" after applying the scratched aluminum decal at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

Thêm một tấm khác view cận cảnh cho khách hàng nhìn rõ hơn

Add another photo with a close-up view for customers to see more clearly

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