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Built-in rear turn signal Exciter 155

11/08/2017 405 đã xem

Built-in rear turn signal Exciter 155

Owners of the Exciter 155 car complained that: "For this car, one of the things I don't like the most is its rear turn signal. It's too protruding!". To overcome this problem, many brothers equipped with other turn signals to "be less convex" but still within the range of the old turn signal lights of the car. However, there is a way to help customers eliminate the zin turn signal on the car that is to integrate the Exciter 155 rear turn signal into the taillight area.

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One of the main reasons why many brothers think about replacing the car's zin lamp into a compact light or replacing another turn signal position for the Exciter 155 is when a car accident occurs, whether heavy or heavy. All light effects seriously affect this position and customers have to go to the company to change other lights or change other lights for the car. So, integrating the turn signal after Exciter 155 will solve the problem of saving Exciter 155 rear turn signals .

The installation process to integrate the rear turn signal Exciter 155:

- Unlike other taillights, the Exciter 155 taillight is very small and can only accommodate the Stop light of the vehicle. Therefore, to integrate the turn signal into the taillight of the car, it is necessary to "cheat" the black plastic part on both sides of the taillight to be able to customize the turn signal here.

- The shop will determine the position of the turn signal light on the black plastic

- You agree to carry out plastic cutting at this location

- Recycle plastic to ensure the aesthetics on the car

- Finalize and hand over to customers.

Due to the need to make plastic again to ensure the aesthetics of the car after integrating the turn signal after the Exciter 155 , the finishing time is somewhat longer than the normal turn signal light. After about 1 day, the integrated turn signal light after Exciter 155 will be completed. Customers can visit the shop early in the morning and in the evening can receive the car, saving you more time.

Note, the price on the product only applies to one-color turn signal products. For 2-color - 2-mode turn signals, there will be a different price (additional cost incurred. Please inform the staff before doing). Specifically, the 2 modes on the turn signals after integration will:

- Khi bật chìa khoá đèn xi nhan bật chế độ Demi màu đỏ.

- Khi bật tín hiệu xi nhan, đèn sẽ chuyển sáng màu vàng và chớp tắt đổi màu.

Xế cưng sẽ gọn gàng hơn, triệt tiêu phần thiết kế xi nhan sau trên xe, chuẩn vẻ đẹp, chuẩn phong cách. Quý khách hàng có thể ghé ngay 1 trong 2 chi nhánh để có thể trang bị cho xế cưng của mình.

Địa chỉ 1: 158 -160 Hàn Hải Nguyên, Phường 8, Quận 11, TP.HCM

Địa chỉ 2: 586 Phạm Thế Hiển, Phường 4, Quận 8, TP.HCM

Điện thoại: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Video: Tích hợp đèn xi nhan sau cho xe Exciter 155 gọn gàng và đẹp mắt

Before and after integrating Exciter 155 . rear turn signals

Trước và sau khi tích hợp đèn xi nhan sau Exciter 155

The rear turn signal light has now been eliminated and replaced by a turn signal light near the rear light position

Đèn xi nhan sau giờ đây đã bị triệt tiêu thay vào đó là đèn xi nhan gần vị trí đèn hậu

The black plastic near the taillights is removed

Dàn nhựa đen gần cụm đèn hậu được lấy ra

Prepare to cut the plastic and level the rear turn signal

Chuẩn bị khoét nhựa và độ đèn xi nhan sau

This is the location of the shop preparing to cut plastic

Đây là vị trí shop chuẩn bị khoét nhựa

The Exciter 155 after integrating the turn signals looks nice and neat

The Exciter 155 after integrating the turn signals looks nice and neat

Perfectly fits the car with no gaps

Perfectly fits the car with no gaps

Thẩm mỹ tuyệt đối trên xe Exciter 155

Absolute aesthetics on Exciter 155

Góc view từ phía sau trên Exciter 155 sau khi tích hợp đèn xi nhan sau

View from the rear on Exciter 155 after integrating the rear turn signal light

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