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CNC Windshield - Winner car toy

11/08/2017 426 đã xem

Trangtrixemayhoangtri.com would like to introduce to you Biker a new Winner car toy at Shop -  CNC Winner's side . With a variety of colors, personality designs contribute to creating a balance for your beloved Winner driver. CNC Winner's side skirts -  high quality Vietnamese goods

Some pictures of CNC Windshields - Winner car toys

CNC Windshield - Winner car toy

New Winner car toys  at the Shop -  CNC Winner's side

CNC Windshield - Winner car toy 1

 Close-up of  CNC Winner's side at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

 CNC Winner's side skirts

 CNC Winner's side - cool Winner car toy

Hips Version 2 - Bold Biker

Winner 150 Version 2 - Bold Biker


CNC Windshield - Winner car toy

 Copper CNC Windshield - Winner car toy 

CNC Windshield - Winner car toy 1

Yellow CNC spoiler - Winner car toy 

CNC Windshield - Winner car toy 2

CNC side skirts are being installed on the car

CNC Windshield - Winner 3 Toy Car

Close-up of CNC windmill engraved with Winner

 Hông gió khắc chữ winner 150 trái màu đỏ cực sang

The side of the wind is engraved with the word winner 150 in a very bright red color

Hông gió khắc chữ winner 150 phải màu đỏ - nổi bật rạng rỡ thu hút ánh nhìn

The wind side engraved with the word winner 150 must be red - outstandingly bright and attractive to look at

Ngoài ra còn có hông gió Ducati đậm chất

There is also a bold Ducati windscreen 

Price: 550,000 VND

Hong gió gắn bên trái xế yêu, được cố định bằng các ốc vít chắc chắn

Hong wind mounted on the left side of the car, fixed with solid screws

Hong gió Ducati gắn bên phải vừa với xe làm xế yêu nổi bật hơn

Ducati mounted on the right, fits the car to make the car stand out more

See also:   Summary of Winner car toys

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