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Complete set of Zoomer, Scoopy exhaust for Vision, Vario, Airblade

11/08/2017 561 đã xem

Complete set of Zoomer, Scoopy exhaust for Vision, Vario, Airblade

The Zoomer was modified for Vision a long time ago, but Hoang Tri Racing Shop waited for more time to research the product. Now, please allow customers to launch a full set of Zoomer exhaust pipes for Vision, Vario, Airblade, neatly fitted and refer to more features not everyone knows about the zoomer.

You may want to refer to: YSS G-Sport Fork

If you are intending to build a custom fork for your pet, but there are forks that cannot be modified by hitting the car's exhaust. But you really like that fork, so what to do? The full set of Zoomer and Scoopy exhausts for your pet is right for you right now! Because after installing Zoomer or Scoopy for your car, it will make the car's exhaust significantly reduce and make it shorter and neater, and now you can see the whole fork when you install it on the car. my darling. In addition to making the fork fully visible, it makes it easier for you to install it for your car and after completing the fork for your car, there will be no collision between the exhaust and the custom fork.

There are 2 main products for you to choose from: Zoomer po e, Scoopy po e . Can be fitted to the following models: Vision, Vario, Airblade . This is a new and rare product for your pet. If you like to play unique and fancy, don't hesitate to come to Hoang Tri Shop for more advice on the cost of your pet driver:

Address 1:  158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2:  586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Zoomer exhaust mounted for Vision 2018 with G-Sport oil tank fork

Zoomer exhaust mounted for Vision 2018 with G-Sport oil tank fork

Anh khách trang bị thêm tem titan ESP tạo điểm nhấn thêm cho xe

The customer equipped with an ESP titanium stamp to create an extra highlight for the car

Thêm một chiếc Vision trắng lên pô e Zoomer

Add a white Vision to the hood of the Zoomer

Trông gọn gàng và để lộ cây phuộc Ohlins xịn sò

Looks neat and shows a nice Ohlins fork

Toàn cảnh chiếc Vision lên pô e Zoomer và phuộc Ohlins chính hãng

Overview of the Vision on the Zoomer exhaust and genuine Ohlins forks

Dàn chân trước sau của xe trông gọn gàng hơn với độ căm excel

Zoomer is equipped for Vision Cement

Phuộc bình dầu YSS G-Series được trang bị cho xe

The G-Series fork is clearly visible

Thêm một chiếc Vision trang bị pô e Zoomer để lộ cây phuộc Ohlins

Add a Vision equipped with a Zoomer exhaust to reveal Ohlins forks

Pô e Scoopy lắp cho chiếc Vision

Scoopy exhaust fitted to the Vision

Trông gọn gàng hơn và để lộ phuộc sau Vision

Looks cleaner and reveals the Vision rear fork

Toàn cảnh chiếc Vision màu đen lên pô e Scoopy kèm phuộc sau kiểu trông nổi bật

Overview of the black Vision on the Scoopy exhaust with a striking rear fork

Pô e Zoomer đã được lắp cho chiếc Vision

The Zoomer exhaust has been fitted to the Vision

Để lộ hoàn toàn cây phuộc ra bên ngoài

Completely expose the fork to the outside

Toàn cảnh chiếc Vision độ pô e Zoomer cùng với phuộc YSS bình dầu

Overview of the Vision with Zoomer muffler with oil tank YSS fork

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