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CRG L2 hump glass with motorcycle rearview mirror

11/08/2017 413 đã xem

CRG L2 hump glass with motorcycle rearview mirror

Many brothers love the CRG line of hunchback glasses with rear-view mirrors. But not everyone can afford to spend heavily on branded rearview mirrors. Therefore, introducing to you the CRG L2 hunchback mirror has the same design as the CRG rearview mirror but the price is lighter than the CRG mirror mounted Rizoma mirror. Wait and buy for your pet!

Although the product has a lighter price, the quality is still guaranteed to customers. The screws are still strong and durable. Not only that, the CRG L2 hunchback model has many colors for you to choose from such as: black, orange, silver, yellow, red and blue . The color mainly changes at the position of the temple feathers on the car, the CRG hunchback glass color remains front and back as a single black color. However, with a slight change, it also makes your pet car more outstanding.

Selling unit: tree

You can also combine gloves and brakes to help your pet become more prominent and stylish thanks to these 2 motorcycle decoration accessories included. You can easily find these 2 accessories at Hoang Tri Racing Shop or you can refer to them in advance on Hoang Tri Racing Shop website:

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Winner X thay thế kiếng hậu zin của xe thành kiếng CRG gắn chân kính

Winner X replaces the zin rearview mirror of the CRG glass car with a mirror

Kiểu dáng nhỏ gọn và trông rất cá tính khi thay đổi cho xe

Compact design and looks very personal when changing the car

Lắp chân kính thuận tiện cho xế cưng của bạn, có thể mua về tự lắp đặt

Mounting glass legs is convenient for your pet, can be bought and installed by yourself

Kiếng hậu CRG lắp tại vị trí chân kiếng cho Wave Blade

The CRG rearview mirror is mounted at the base of the Wave Blade

Có chức năng chống chói dễ dàng quan sát hơn

Has an anti-glare function for easier viewing

Ngoài ra, vị trí chân kính phải khách hàng lắp ốc kiểu để chống sét ốc chân kính

In addition, the position of the base of the glass must be installed by the customer to prevent lightning

Màu sắc của kiếng hậu tông sẹc tông với màu xe

The color of the rearview mirror is tinted with the car color


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