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Cyclone kuni wheel mounted zin standard for SH 2020

11/08/2017 501 đã xem

Cyclone kuni wheel mounted zin standard for SH 2020

To choose a pair of style wheels for the newly released SH 2020 can be difficult for you! However, at Hoang Tri Racing Shop, there are vortex vortex wheels that are quite suitable for the car! You can immediately refer to the product details and pictures below to choose right for your pet! With the vortex kuni wheel, it will surely captivate your heart the first time you see the product.

Kuni wheels - a product line that is trusted and chosen by many customers because of its luxurious beauty and outstanding color, has captivated the hearts of many customers who came to Hoang Tri Racing Shop when they saw this line of kuni wheels. However, what about the tornado kuni wheel? Have you heard of this platter? In terms of materials, both product lines are the same. As for the design, the vortex kuni wheels with spokes form an arc that swirls around each other, creating an attractive highlight for the SH 2020 wheel series. Because of the uniqueness and fancy of the SH 2020 cyclone kuni wheels, there are many. Customers come to Hoang Tri Racing Shop and install it for their pet car.

Wheels SH 2020 Kuni swirls have 2 colors for you to choose from:  red and silver.  You can choose a color that matches the paint color of the car, the color of the accessories to help your car become more prominent and beautiful when combined with other SH 2020 car decoration accessories for you. your pet. If you are looking to  customize the SH 2020 car in a unique, disruptive and slightly quirky style, you can choose the sh 2020 cyclone kuni wheels to equip your pet! Don't forget to visit one of the two branches of Hoang Tri Racing Shop to choose sh 2020 branded car toy accessories to create a personalized set for your pet.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Close-up details of cyclone kuni wheels mounted with zin standard for SH 2020 (red)

Close-up details of cyclone kuni wheels mounted with zin standard for SH 2020 (silver color)

Red tornado kuni wheel on SH 2020 (red wheel)

Red tornado kuni wheel on SH 2020 (red wheel)

Comes with the front wheel is RGS front fork - Ornamental front fork for Sh 2020

Comes with the front wheel is RGS front fork - Ornamental front fork for Sh 2020

The front legs are very prominent in red and black tones

The front legs are very prominent in red and black tones

Direct view of the SH 2020 with red tornado kuni wheels

Direct view of the SH 2020 with red tornado kuni wheels

Compare 2 SHs with the upgraded version of the vortex Kuni wheels and the original wheels

Compare 2 SHs with the upgraded version of the vortex Kuni wheels and the original wheels

Dàn chân sau cũng nổi bật hơn khi so sánh cùng nhau

The rear legs are also more prominent when compared together

Toàn cảnh chiếc SH 2020 với tông đen và phụ kiện đỏ kết hợp với nhau

Overview of the SH 2020 with black tones and red accessories combined

Dù xe trắng hay xe đen thì mâm kuni lốc xoáy trắng - đen vẫn phù hợp

Whether the car is white or black, the white - black kuni vortex wheels are still suitable

So kè 2 chiếc SH với mâm kuni (trái) - mâm zin (phải)

Compare 2 SH with kuni (left) - zin (right) wheels

SH 2020 vừa đến lắp cặp mâm kuni lốc xoáy độc đáo

SH 2020 has just arrived to install a pair of unique cyclone kuni wheels

Các nang trên mâm tạo thành lốc xoáy - đây là điểm nhấn của dòng mâm này

The cysts on the rim form a vortex - this is the highlight of this line of wheels

Cận cảnh mâm sau kuni lốc xoáy trên SH 2020

Close-up of the tornado kuni rear wheel on SH 2020

Màu trắng - đen vừa đủ để làm nổi bật xe SH 2020 màu đen

The white - black color is just enough to highlight the black SH 2020 car

Còn bạn đã trang bị mâm kuni lốc xoáy cho SH 2020 của mình chưa?

Have you equipped your SH 2020 vortex kuni wheel yet?

thêm một chiếc SH 2020 lắp mâm kuni lốc xoáy màu bạc

one more SH 2020 fitted with silver cyclone kuni wheels

Xế cưng còn gắn thêm mắt mèo zhi.pat cho xế cưng của mình

The pet driver also added zhi.pat cat eyes to his pet's car

The white SH 2020 has been equipped with silver cyclone kuni wheels

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