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DID Plate Slug - 10 Cup Slug

11/08/2017 495 đã xem

DID Plate Slug - 10 Cup Slug

The 10mm DiD 428 O-ring 10mm slug  makes it easy for the car to circulate on the road. Especially when you go at high speed, the 10-mm DID slug is an extremely right choice because it will reduce the "squeaky" sound to help the car operate more smoothly.

DiD made in Japan, 43 load plate, 14 sprocket, 10 cup seal, the right product for you guys to play with.

Note, the Biker brothers should take the time to clean the slugs and spray the slugs, the 10 cups of DiD will be very durable and will be used for a long time, saving money.

Pictures of  DID fork slugs - 10 cup slugs  - quality for you to play with:

10 cup seals help the car operate more smoothly

Full set of 10 cup slug DID at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

Original box with unopened stamp - any brother will pick it up right away.

Racing Boy 10 cup slug sprocket with folding racing Boy

Racing Boy 10 cup slug sprocket with folding racing Boy

Looks sturdier than regular slugs - durability confirmed

Looks sturdier than regular slugs - durability confirmed

 10 cup DiD slug - car toy winner

Close-up of 10 cup DiD seal - winner car toy 

10 cup DiD slug - winner car toy 1

 10 cup DiD slug has 10 cup size

10 cup DiD seal slug - winner car toy 2

10 cup DiD seals help your driver circulate on the road better

 10 cup DiD slug - winner 5 . car toy

10 cup slug with famous brand DiD

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