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Elizabeth Fi stainless steel car parts - Protective frame

11/08/2017 376 đã xem


Elizabeth Fi stainless steel car parts - Protective frame

Elizabeth Efi . car protection frame


Protective frame is made entirely of 100% stainless steel material .no rust. The improved design for this new frame looks more compact and beautiful than the stainless steel frame for the old Elizabeth. There are 2 different prices for this frame, which frame would you choose for your vehicle?


Why are there two different prices?

This is the most frequently asked question of customers when they are in need of equipping their car with a stainless steel frame.

And here are a few details that will help you to recognize the difference between 2 types of frames with 2 different prices very clearly and you can also find that to be true even though you have never seen it before. equipped with this chassis and have no experience with this accessory.


1> One thing for sure is that the type 1 frame will be heavier than the type 2 frame because when you hold the two frames and lift them, you will feel that it is true because the stainless steel pipe and pass of the type 1 frame is thick. thicker than type 2 frames.


2> Đều khác biệt nữa đó là lớp áo ngoài của bộ khung loại 1 được trang bị thêm lớp xi ken giúp cho sản phẩm luôn bóng sáng và không ngả vàng. Ngược lại thì khung loại 2 không được trang bị lớp xi ken nên có độ bóng hơi vàng và không sắc xảo như khung loại 1. Về điểm này cũng rất dễ nhận biết khi bạn để cả hai bộ sát lại gần nhau, bạn sẽ thấy điều khác biệt ngay .


3> Và cuối cùng là sau khi lắp bộ khung loại 1 lên xe bạn sẽ thấy những đường cong của khung rất chuẩn ôm gọn theo xe,khoảng cách giữa bộ khung và thân xe rất đều ,rất đẹp mắt.


Elizabeth Fi stainless steel car parts - Protective frame

Hình ảnh sau khi lắp khung bảo vệ lên xe.


As long as you master the above 3 factors before deciding to install a protective frame for your car, you will be completely assured when you choose the best accessories to equip your car even though you are not a customer of our car. Hoang Tri because you are far away and cannot come to our store. Because we understand the psychology of customers, no one wants to buy an expensive item whose value is not worthy or does not match what people advertise about it.


Note: Currently, the Shop has temporarily stopped selling type 2 products.


Elizabeth Fi stainless steel car parts - Protective frame

Stainless steel protective frame after mounting on the car.

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