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Ex Rizoma handlebars

11/08/2017 386 đã xem

Ex Rizoma handlebars are one of the  hottest Ex car toys at Hoang Tri Racing Shop . Many customers want to customize the ex 150 as a large displacement bike to experience a completely new style. At trangtrixemayhoangtri.com  record Roxima east - Toy Car ex has 2 colors: orange and red, a lot of car distribution.


Rizoma handlebars - ex 150 1 . toy car


When attaching the handlebars of ex rizoma, it will help your beloved driver to be more perfect in style and quality. In particular, the handlebars of ex rizoma can be made on different models, not just the Exciter 150 .

Want quality and style cars? Call now or 0909 60 30 25 to update the hottest ex car toys today

Some pictures of ex rizoma handlebars - ex car toys at Hoang Tri Racing Shop:


Rizoma handlebars - ex 150 2 . toy car

Super cool front after attaching ex car toys - Rizoma handlebars


Rizoma handlebars - ex 150 3 . toy car

Stylish right angle with Poseidon Wheels (rims)


Ghi đông xe Rizoma - Đồ chơi xe ex 4


Ghi đông xe Rizoma - Đồ chơi xe ex 5


Ghi đông xe Rizoma - Đồ chơi xe ex 6


Reference link: Ex price list of toys at Hoang Tri Racing Shop


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