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Eye lamp sole

11/08/2017 496 đã xem

Sole owl eye lamp - Caribbean pirate style

The owl eye lamp is an exciter 150 toy that is no stranger to many brothers. But to have a unique owl eye lamp and bring a unique style is difficult to get.

But with the sole eye light , it becomes quite easy for you at Hoang Tri Racing Shop. The sole eye lamp is a new exciter 150 toy car at the Shop. 

With the style of a genuine pirate, bring up a strong style and do not give in to the enemy.

The design on one side is an owl eye lamp and the other side is an audi led light. In addition, the zin lamp can be reprocessed.

Extremely hot price when buying goods with only 950,000 VND

Let's take a look at the sole eye lamp with a unique style:

The owl eye light has been installed on the front of the car and the hood has not been installed yet

The owl eye light has been installed on the front of the car and the hood has not been installed yet

Magical sole eyes in the night

Magical sole eyes in the night

Installed a set of hats for the sole eye lamp

Installed a set of hats for the sole eye lamp

Another angle of the eye lamp sole

Another angle of the eye lamp sole

Another model of the sole eye lamp at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

Another model of the sole eye lamp at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

Looks very cool and unique

Looks very cool and unique

See more:

Another owl eye lamp

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