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Fake L4 LED Lights 20 W - Led FT6

11/08/2017 383 đã xem

Fake L4 LED Lights 20 W - Led FT6

+ Power: 20W

+ Using 4 LED cores like genuine L4 lights

+ Although the light is not comparable to a genuine L4 lamp, it is suitable for those who like to play for form

+ It doesn't matter the absolute light

+ Just meet the needs as the Passing feature (begging for directions)

+ The FT6 LED light is also brighter than the zin lights on the car.

+ No loss of battery due to the use of new technology Led chip

Pictures of Fake L4 led lights for your beloved driver:

See more:  Synthesis of motorcycle lights

Fake L4 Led with 4 very bright led cores

Fake L4 Led with 4 very bright led cores

Brand of L4 Fake led light

Brand of L4 Fake led light

Fake L4 lamp mounted on the rearview mirror screw for Dream

Add another Airblade driver with a different position (front fork)

Close-up details of Fake L4 lights on Airblade 2011

Fake L4 mounted on Exciter 135 . mask

Fake L4 mounted on Exciter 135 . mask

Installation work: 200,000 VND

Test the lamp with white light - suitable for customers who rarely use it

Test the lamp with white light - suitable for customers who rarely use it

Fake L4 - Led FT6 light on Winner mask 150

Fake L4 - Led FT6 light on Winner mask 150

Close-up of Fake L4 lights on Winner 150

Close-up of Fake L4 lights on Winner 150

After completing the operations and reinstalling the mask for Winner 150

After completing the operations and reinstalling the mask for Winner 150

See more super bright L4 lights

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