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Full set of Italian-style clothes decorated with beautiful SH 2017

11/08/2017 448 đã xem

Full set of Italian-style clothes decorated with beautiful SH 2017

Owning a car that loves SH Italia (SH Italy) is a dream for people who like SH cars in particular and high-end scooters in general. With the style and class of Italian SH when traveling on the street, making many people admire and admire is the reason many people want to have it.

However, the economic problem is always related to the problem of high-priced luxury cars. So buying a SH Italia car is also a headache for many families with finances but not enough to comfortably choose for themselves a car that loves SH Italia.

Therefore, what is needed is also a solution - the Italian SH outfit is 99% similar to SH 2017. Outerwear is the beauty of Italian SH and inside is SH 2017's modern technology with 2-stage led headlights as well as Like ABS brakes, there is nothing better - both luxury and modern is the solution for SH 2017 with both luxury and class requirements.

Seamless Italian SH shirt for SH 2017 with a very nice design with 99.9% similarity and a full set of Italian SH shirts with an Italian saddle and Italian style handles (handle, rear bumper).

In addition, if customers have the need to change the exhaust and engine block to be the same as the Italian SH, the additional cost is: 2,500,000 VND

Free installation for customers on SH Italy shirt for SH 2017 .

We invite you to take a look at the Italian SH shirt decoration for SH 2017 :

Full range of 19-piece accessories for the Italian SH shirt with SH 2017

Full range of 19-piece accessories for the Italian SH shirt with SH 2017
(click on the picture to enlarge)

Another lovely driver came to Hoang Tri Racing Shop to install the Italian SH shirt

Another lovely driver came to Hoang Tri Racing Shop to install the Italian SH shirt

Color: bright red

In addition, add a beautiful color titanium number plate

In addition, add a beautiful color titanium number plate

This car does not have the engine block and the exhaust of SH Italy (keep the original SH 2017)

This car does not have the engine block and the exhaust of SH Italy (keep the original SH 2017)

Mâm trước cũng đã được thay mâm SH Ý

The front wheel has also been replaced with the SH YES

Màu sắc đen cực độc và cá tính thay vì màu bạc như xe zin

The black color is extremely unique and personal instead of silver like a zin car

Ốp pô đẹp mắt và hoành tráng trên SH 2017

Beautiful and majestic muffler on SH 2017

Thêm một xế yêu đến thay full dàn áo SH Ý cho xế yêu SH 2017 của mình

Another lovely driver came to change the full set of Italian SH clothes for my SH 2017 driver

Nhân viên đang tháo dàn áo zin để thay dàn áo đẳng cấp cho xế

The staff is taking off the zin shirt to change the driver's class shirt

Sau khi thay dàn áo xế yêu được chăm sóc thêm các dịch vụ khác

After changing the car, I can take care of other services

Dán tem chỉ viền để xế yêu có thêm điểm nhấn và khá nổi bật

Stamp only the border so that the car has more highlights and is quite prominent

Bộ decal đèn xe cũng nổi bật khi pha đủ màu sắc cho xe

The car light decal set is also outstanding when mixing enough colors for the car

Ốp pô SH 300i Zhi.pat cũng được lắp cho xế

SH 300i Zhi.pat muffler is also installed for the driver

Toàn cảnh hông trái của xe sau khi lột xác

Overview of the left side of the car after the makeover

Xe SH 2017 này thay luôn cả phần pô e và lốc máy của SH Ý

This 2017 SH car also replaces both the exhaust and engine block of SH Italy

Full view để anh em nhìn rõ hơn và dễ dàng nhận thấy sự khác biệt của lốc máy SH Ý

Full view for you to see more clearly and easily see the difference of the Italian SH engine block

Thêm một view để nhìn rõ hơn xế yêu sau khi thay dàn áo SH Ý

One more view to see the car better after changing the clothes of SH Italy

SH 2017 chưa lên pô e và lốc máy

SH 2017 has not been on the poo and engine block yet

SH 2017 đã lên pô e và lốc máy giống SH Ý

SH 2017 has been upgraded to the car and has the same engine block as the Italian SH

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