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Genuine Givi G10N middle box installed for Winner X

11/08/2017 416 đã xem

Genuine Givi G10N middle box installed for Winner X

For Winner cars in general and Winner X in particular, although it is a later version of Winner cars, Winner X has not changed in terms of the trunk and leads to a lack of space for personal items. However, the solution for you to have more space is to equip Winner X with a genuine Givi G10N box.

The Givi G10N middle box with Winner X is a way for car owners to keep essential items on the road such as raincoats, glasses, masks, water bottles,... Plus the middle box givi G10N is also equipped with a lock to help you have a more private space when you intend to leave other valuables such as money, wallet or phone.

If you have long road trips, you should equip an extra baga after the genuine Givi installs Winner X and install a genuine givi box for your Winner X car . You can easily choose a genuine givi model like that at Hoang Tri Racing Shop.

[ Cool tip] It is recommended to choose large genuine givi boxes to get more space if you decide to travel on a car without a trunk like Winner X.

Hoang Tri Racing Shop distributes genuine givi crates with Winner X :

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Genuine givi box G10N with clear information and barcode

Genuine givi box G10N with clear information and barcode

Inside the middle box of the givi Winner X G10N

Inside the middle box of the givi Winner X G10N

The middle box can be considered an effective toy to support the Winner X

The middle box can be considered an effective toy to support the Winner X

Để được nhiều vật dụng cần thiết trong thùng giữa givi G10N

To keep many necessary items in the middle box of givi G10N

Phiên bản đen mờ Winner X lắp thùng givi G10N

Winner X matte black version fitted with G10N givi box

Chủ xe trang bị thêm 2 móc treo đồ có thể xếp gọn gàng vào trong cho xe

The owner of the car is equipped with 2 more hangers that can be neatly folded inside for the car

Giúp bạn có nhiều không gian để treo đồ cũng như

Gives you plenty of space to hang things as well 

Xe Winner đỏ đen gắn thùng giữa Winner X và móc treo đồ CNC màu đỏ

Winner's car is red and black with a box between Winner X and a red CNC hanger

Xế cưng Winner X đen nhám gắn thùng giữa givi chính hãng

Winner X's car is matte black with a genuine givi middle box

Ngoài ra xế cưng này còn trang bị thêm móc treo đồ CNC màu đen tông sẹc tông

In addition, this pet car is also equipped with a black CNC clothes hanger

Thùng giữa Givi chính hãng G10N đã lắp cho Winner X

Genuine Givi middle box G10N installed for Winner X

Cận cảnh sản phẩm thùng G10N có chìa khóa riêng tư

Close-up of G10N crate product with privacy key

Có thêm không gian lưu trữ các vật dụng cá nhân của bạn

Get more space to store your personal items

Có thể đựng được áo mưa, chai nước, mắt kính và nhiều vật dụng khác

Can hold raincoats, water bottles, glasses and more

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