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Givi . middle crate

11/08/2017 490 đã xem

Givi mid-barrel mounts for a variety of vehicles

Winner 150 was launched in June 2016, with a unique design, many folds clearly showing the Japanese national identity on this love car.

Seamless loading machine with fuel-saving electronic fuel injection, Winner becomes a formidable opponent of Exciter 150 (Yamaha).

But a minus point for Winner is the trunk. With an extremely small area, if you don't judge that there is no trunk, that is the point that makes many people weigh and count whether to buy Winner 150 or not.

With that humble trunk, Hoang Tri Racing Shop introduces to brothers and sisters near and far " Givi crate mounted for Winner 150 " - a trunk solution for drivers but also brings natural beauty to the driver.

With a large enough area to hold many different items, you don't need to hesitate to buy this Winner 150 for yourself.

In addition, drivers with modest trunks such as Exciter 135, Exciter 150, Sonic, ... can also get on the middle of the givi to help the driver have more space, backpacking as well as holidays back home to get more. many personal items.

Note: Sonic drivers installed in the middle of the givi Hoang Tri Racing Shop will charge extra because Sonic cars are not designed to be pasted on the car.

See more pictures of Givi mid-barrel :

Givi box was given by Hoang Tri Racing Shop as a solution for Winner love drivers 150

Givi box was given by Hoang Tri Racing Shop as a solution for Winner love drivers 150

Hoang Tri Racing Shop staff have finished the middle box of Givi for Exciter 135

Hoang Tri Racing Shop staff have finished the middle box of Givi for Exciter 135

With the key + the big box, just carefree

With the key + the big box, just carefree

Detailed close-up for the middle box Givi Exciter 135

Detailed close-up for the middle box Givi Exciter 135

Givi mid-case installed for Future Fi

Givi mid-case installed for Future Fi

Adding a box in the middle of Givi adds more space for personal items

Adding a box in the middle of Givi adds more space for personal items

Cardboard tones with the saddle - looks very nice

Cardboard tones with the saddle - looks very nice

Givi mid-case fitted for Sonic

Givi mid-case fitted for Sonic

Price: 750,000 VND

More tools to make it more fun when traveling with friends

More tools to make it more fun when traveling with friends

There is a key to protect items from being lost when in the box

There is a key to protect items from being lost when in the box

The spacious area can hold a lot of personal items

The spacious area can hold a lot of personal items

After installing the Givi tank, the driver loves it like this

After installing the Givi tank, the driver loves it like this

Từ trên chụp xuống với diện tích cực kỳ nhỏ gọn

Taken from the top down with an extremely compact area

View tổng quan từ bên hong - thể tích có thể chứa nhiều vật dụng

Overview from the side - the space can hold many items

Gọn gàng trên xế yêu không làm mất đi vẻ đẹp của xế

Tidy on the car does not lose the beauty of the car

Bên trong thùng givi như thế này

The inside of the givi box looks like this

Thùng Givi - hàng mới về hót hòn họt

Givi crates - new arrivals sing Hon Hot

Thùng Givi có cả chìa khóa giúp cho những vật dụng cá nhân được bảo mật

The Givi Box includes a key to keep your personal items secure

Exciter 150 đã được trang bị thùng giữa Givi

Exciter 150 has been equipped with Givi . middle crate

Thùng giữa givi nằm gọn gàng không gây khó chịu cho chủ xế

The box in the middle of the givi lies neatly without causing discomfort to the driver

Thể tích lớn đặt thêm được nhiều đồ hơn

Large volume can put more items

Thoải mái đi mưa mà đồ vật bên trong vẫn đảm bảo

Feel free to go to the rain but the things inside are still secure

Có thể thao tác nhanh chóng bỏ đồ vào bên trong

Can be manipulated quickly to put things inside

Thùng givi giữa trên xế yêu Winner xanh

The middle givi box on the blue Winner love truck

Ngoài ra có độ thêm móc treo đồ đa năng

In addition, there is a multi-function hanger

Price: 90,000 VND

Đựng chai nước cho các bạn hay đi xa

Carry a water bottle for those of you who often go away

Cũng độc đáo và giải pháp được vấn đề cốp xe Winner

Also unique and solves the problem of Winner's trunk

Có cả móc ngang để giữ những bịch đồ đi chợ hoặc nón bảo hiểm

There is even a horizontal hook to hold shopping bags or helmets

See also: Winner clothes hanger

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