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Kenzo 30 assist light - customize the mode of light to collect or radiate

11/08/2017 474 đã xem

Kenzo 30 assist light - customize the mode of light to collect or radiate

Players are not afraid of the rain - Just like this sentence for backpackers or long-distance backpackers, it doesn't matter whether it's rain or shine. So introduce you to a product that is completely waterproof Kenzo 30 and can customize the light mode to collect or radiate as you like. Products are available at Hoang Tri Racing Shop.

See also:  Synthesis of motorcycle lights

In general, the product uses ball bearings to gather light in a spherical shape and uses LED technology for lighting, so it has a long lifespan. Kenzo 30 floodlights with a solid and carefully painted aluminum monolithic frame increase the lamp's durability. There are jacks with sturdy fireproof wires, waterproof jacks and lights that are also equipped with effective waterproof technology, along with accessories to catch the lights on the car.

The highlight of this Kenzo 30 light is the customization and mobility in using the light emitted by the lamp. Adjusting the focus of the light is what stands out and attracts the attention of many motorcyclists. You can maneuver the beam or diffuse light by:

- Adjusting the light gathered on the Kenzo 30 assist lamp: You hold the tail of the lamp and push it into a section of the light, it will slowly gather light and when the tail of the lamp touches the light body, it will have a rectangular shape and the light is now at its maximum. .

- Adjust the light spread on the Kenzo 30 assist light: You also hold the tail of the lamp and pull it away and the light will change from a rectangle to a circle and the further you pull it, the larger the light will radiate and the further away the light will be. The shine will be weaker when gathered.

Depending on the conditions of use, you can adjust it to suit your needs. In addition, using anti-glare technology on the opposite side, the Kenzo 30 light assist when traveling on the street still ensures safety for oncoming pedestrians without causing discomfort. You can order online or come experience the product at Hoang Tri Racing Shop and choose for yourself a suitable product.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Kenzo 30 assist light - customize the mode of light to collect or radiate

Kenzo 30 assist light - customize the mode of light to collect or radiate

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