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Klara Vinfast foot mat

11/08/2017 434 đã xem

Klara Vinfast foot mat

The first toy car for Vinfast electric motorbikes at Hoang Tri Racing Shop is the Klara footrest. If you love your car, then this is the toy that you need to own to help keep your car in its original state.

Why favor Klara electric motorbikes?

+ 100% standard Vietnamese branded goods

+ A line of high-end electric motorcycles using all the products that a motorcycle has.

+ Cars need to be equipped with Klara car toys to be more beautiful and durable.

Klara foot mat products are made from synthetic rubber with designs exclusively for the newly launched Klara car of Vingroup. Beautiful standard design, the foundation underneath is designed in the form of a grandfather's nest to help your feet grip firmly, not slipping off the floor of the car. In addition, the product is also designed with a V in the center (the logo of Vingroup's cars) accompanied by a beautiful pattern that is spread evenly on the Klara footrest. In the middle of the top of the carpet is the name of the Klara car that is prominently printed.

Go to Hoang Tri Racing Shop to glue Klara cars and install Klara foot mats to make your pet more durable. You can go to any branch of Hoang Tri Racing Shop:

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Tel: (028) 6 271 3025

Mobifone: 0909 50 30 25 - 0909 60 30 25

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Tel: (028) 6 68 63 586

Mobifone: 0909 17 47 13 - 0909 47 47 13

Close-up of Klara foot mat products

Close-up of Klara foot mat products

Klara foot mat has been installed on the car

Klara foot mat has been installed on the car

Tổng thể đẹp mắt và cùng tông màu tại vị trí này

Nice overall look and the same color tone at this location

Logo Klara nổi bật trên nền đen của xe

Klara logo stands out on the black background of the car

Ngoài ra logo Vinfast cũng nổi bật không kém

In addition, the Vinfast logo is equally prominent

Mua ngay thảm để chân Klara tại Hoàng Trí Shop

Buy Klara foot mat now at Hoang Tri Shop

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