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L4 light level on SH mask 2017

11/08/2017 441 đã xem

L4 light level on SH 2017 mask - Hoang Tri Racing Shop

The L4 SH 2017 light is modified on the SH 2017 mask to provide more white light for the Biker to go at night.

The L4 lamp on the SH 2017 is adjusted on the mask to be used as the main light source for the car.

In addition, the stability and durability of the L4 lamp is also an advantage that attracts you to go to the L4 lamp

There are 2 ways to level the l4 light on the SH 2017 mask as follows:

Manual plastic cutting: The hole to put the light in is not sophisticated but still ensures the aesthetics for your pet.

Plastic processing, welding: Hoang Tri will cut plastic, then make a hat to make the l4 lamp fit into the hole on the mask of SH 2017. It is very sophisticated and looks like a genuine Honda product. You will be quite surprised with the sophistication of the plastic SH mask with L4 lamp.

However, the cost of plastic processing will be more expensive due to more technical processing than manual plastic cutting. Depending on your needs, you can choose the l4 mode on the SH 2017 mask.

Pictures of L4 lights on SH 2017 masks:

The L4 lamp is made of plastic caps, beautifully welded

The L4 lamp is made of plastic caps, beautifully welded

Vừa khít với đèn L4 không chút hở và nhìn trông như đồ chính hãng

Fits perfectly on L4 without any gaps and looks like the original

Công tắc LED đẹp mắt để điều khiển đèn L4 trên mặt nạ

Nice LED switch to control the L4 lights on the mask

Cận cảnh công tắc lắp đặt tại vị trí thuận tiện tắt mở

Close-up of the switch installed at a convenient on-off position

Còn đây là nhân vật chính - Đèn L4 được độ trên mặt nạ SH 2017

And here is the main character - L4 light is customized on SH mask 2017

Đèn lắp tại mặt nạ cho ánh sáng lý tưởng

Lamp mounted at the mask for ideal lighting


Sản phẩm mặt nạ chế đèn L4 sau khi lắp lên xe SH 2017

The product of the L4 lamp-making mask after being installed on the SH 2017

Rất đẹp mắt và độ tinh xảo cao mang lại vẻ đẹp thẩm mỹ cho xế

Very beautiful and highly sophisticated, bringing aesthetic beauty to the driver

Kết hợp cùng dãy LED của SH 2017 mang lại màn trình diễn ánh sáng đẹp mắt

Combined with the LED array of SH 2017 for a beautiful light show

Độ đèn L4 trên mặt nạ SH 2017 tại Hoàng Trí Racing Shop

L4 light level on SH mask 2017 at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

The L4 lamp is modified on the SH 2017 mask (by cutting plastic)

The L4 lamp is hand-cut on the SH 2017 mask, still ensuring the aesthetics

See also: toy car SH 2017

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