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Led audi SH 300i

11/08/2017 402 đã xem

Led audi SH 300i

With the upgrades of the 2017 SH 300i, it can be said that the most outstanding advantage is the audi SH 300i led set that previous drivers want to have. Does this make you consider buying a new car? Of course not. Because the cost of replacing a car is very expensive, it is the SH 300i. You just need to bring your "her" to Hoang Tri Racing Shop and everything can be solved for you.

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With the audi SH 300i led version, you can upgrade your driver from 2013 to 2017 in just a few hours of "surgery" to have a new style of driving. After upgrading at Hoang Tri Racing Shop, your car will have a series of super coated white audi led front lights integrated with yellow flashing turn signals similar to the original car SH 300i - 2017.

If you love new and beautiful things, call 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25 for more advice or make an appointment to install at the shop.

See more product pictures comparing the angle version and the degree version:

Product installation clip for SH 300i

Sh300i LED Audi turn signal mode

Sh300i LED Audi turn signal mode

Sh300i độ đèn Led Audi chế độ audi

Sh300i LED lights Audi mode audi

Nhân viên đã tháo cụm đèn pha của xe để thay thế đèn led audi cho xe

The staff removed the headlights of the car to replace the audi led lights for the car

Nhân viên đang chăm sóc đặc biệt cho xế cưng để kịp thời gian giao khách

The staff is taking special care of the pet car to deliver the customer on time

Xế cưng độ đèn LED Audi với kiểu dáng mũi tên

Audi LED light custom car with arrow design

Ánh sáng thu hút và làm xế cưng nổi bật hơn

The light attracts and makes your car stand out more

2 chiếc SH đọ dáng với nhau sau khi chiếc SH 300i lên đèn LED Audi

2 SH cars compete with each other after the SH 300i gets Audi LED lights

Góc trực diện LED Audi SH 300i

Audi SH 300i LED direct angle

So đọ sự hiện đại của 2 xế cưng SH 300i (trái) - SH 2020 (phải)

Compare the modernity of 2 pet drivers SH 300i (left) - SH 2020 (right)

The custom led audi version at Hoang Tri Shop and the original 2017 SH 300i car (right)

The staff is doing the installation for the SH300i 2013

Preparing the final stages to install on the car

Finished the work and fully installed on the car

With a series of white demi lights and yellow turn signals like the original

Like 99% of the original car. Come and install it at Hoang Tri Shop.

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