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Lighting upgrade for Winner X

11/08/2017 597 đã xem

Lighting upgrade for Winner X

Many people complain from the Winner 150 version that the headlights are weak and not bright. It seems that the new version of Winner X will improve a lot in terms of light, but many brothers may be disappointed when the Winner X headlights have not improved much. The upgrade of Winner X headlights is of more interest to everyone.

For headlights, many brothers are interested because they will have the opportunity to use them when: going home, backpacking, often going home through dark roads. However, Winner X headlight light does not meet your lighting needs, what you need to do now is install a Winner X light increase circuit that integrates Winner X headlights to help increase the headlights of your car. 3 times while still ensuring the capacity and durability of electrical equipment on the vehicle.

In addition, if you do not want to install the Winner X brightening circuit to make the headlights brighter, you can install an L4 Winner X light assist at the position of the car's light socket. With quick installation time and natural light with extremely bright white light, maybe the L4 Winner X lamp is the second choice for those who want more light to serve their journey. I am more convenient.

Don't forget the address that always provides the latest Winner X car toys with more than 100 accessories to help you freely choose for your pet:

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Please refer to the video of the light test after the pulse is increased

On hand to increase light circuit for Winner X

On hand to increase light circuit for Winner X

Full instructions are included in the circuit

Full instructions are included in the circuit

You will easily install this light up circuit by yourself with the instruction of the shop

You will easily install this light up circuit by yourself with the instruction of the shop

Giờ đây bạn có thể dễ dàng chinh phục những đoạn đường tối

Now you can easily conquer the dark roads

Chiếc màu đen (trái) có lắp thêm mạch tăng sáng

The black one (left) has a built-in light boost circuit

ánh sáng gấp 3 lần ánh sàng chiếc bên phải

The light is 3 times brighter than the one on the right

Đây là hình ảnh trực tiếp chụp từ 2 xe

This is a direct picture taken from 2 cars

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