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Loader for Winner car

11/08/2017 379 đã xem

Loading plate - Winner car toy is made of high quality aluminum material, creating high mechanical side. The product line for Winner cars has 4 colors: yellow, red, blue, black, making it easy to coordinate with each car color. Special loading disc - Winner car toy at Hoang Tri Racing Shop with a warranty of 5000km at the shop. Call now 0909 60 30 25 for a free consultation!

Some pictures of the download disc for Winner cars at the shop

fork load - toy car winner

 Winner forks have 4 colors: yellow, red, blue, black

Loading plate- winner car toy 1

Close-up of the red loading plate made of high-quality aluminum

Loader fork- winner car toy 3

The loading plate has been mounted on Winner's car

Winner 150 download plate with outstanding yellow color

Winner 150 download plate with outstanding yellow color

Winner 150 loading plate is extremely durable and does not fade

Winner 150 loading plate is extremely durable and does not fade

Close-up of the 150 . winner loading plate

Close-up of the 150 . winner loading plate

See also:   Winner car toys


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