Matte orange paint for Exciter 155 - Exciter 155 paint
Exciter 155 was released with many different versions. However, they are all the same! Therefore, many customers are planning to paint in other colors to help make their car different and express their own personality. Matte orange paint for Exciter 155 - Exciter 155 paint is currently hot and heating up day by day! Try it once, you'll be hooked!
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The original condition of the Exciter 155 before painting:
The customer chooses the Exciter 155 VVA RC car with matte black paint. Just bought it not long ago, but the customer wants his pet car to have its own characteristics as well as make a difference compared to other models to create a unique feature. Therefore, the customer decided to paint the Exciter 155 with matte orange.
Specifically, Exciter 155 Color Coating Paint you will be able to repaint 5 accessories. In addition to orange, you can request other colors for your pet. Or paint different color combinations as required - discuss more with technical staff when visiting the shop.
After painting Exciter 155 car:
Your Exciter 155 will have a noticeable change with the black plastic items now replaced with a striking orange color, attracting the eye. Your Exciter 155 is now completely different and unique, fancy without an Exciter 155 from any manufacturer that has this.
Please see the image below to compare between the Exciter 155 version from the manufacturer and the Exciter 155 after painting the color scheme at Hoang Tri Racing Shop. Come to one of the two branches of Hoang Tri Shop for more advice.
Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC
Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC
Phone: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25
Exciter 155 after buying from the manufacturer
Black color brings synchronization to Exciter 155
Overview of the Exciter 155 without the color scheme
Black plastic has now changed to orange plastic
Attractive, attention-grabbing colors with outstanding orange hues
Direct view of Exciter 155 after painting with color scheme
You can request other colors for your pet
Right angle of view of Exciter 155 after orange paint
The left side view of Exciter 155 after orange paint