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Mounting gloves for Z-125

11/08/2017 389 đã xem

Style gloves - style  gloves for Z-125

Gloves of all kinds at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

Z-125 type gloves at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

The motowolf gloves attached to the Kawasaki Z-125 are beautifully designed.

The body is made up of yellow metal and is alternated with a circular border separating what and the glove body. On the body of the glove, there is a rubber band to help keep the hand smooth and firm against hand fatigue. The rest of the glove is metal.

Due to the color as well as the metal material, the motowolf gloves easily stand out.

Pictures of motowolf gloves :

Bao tay kiểu motowolf được gắn cho Kawasaki Z125 nổi bật trên xế

The motowolf-style gloves attached to the Kawasaki Z125 stand out on the car

Có phần cao su giúp cầm chắc tay và êm tay

Has a rubber part for a firm and smooth grip

See more:

Toy car Z125

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