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New style NVX 2017 spoiler

11/08/2017 387 đã xem

The 2017 NVX spoiler is a product that has just been imported to Hoang Tri Motorcycle Decoration shop. With a very cool design to create your own personality. Currently the spoiler - NVX 2017 yamaha toy car has 4 colors red, blue, black and white. Many colors make it easy for you to choose and mix with your favorite color.

Check out some of the best pictures on earth at the store!

Cool NVX spoiler 1
NVX spoiler has 4 colors blue - red - white - black


The spoiler is glued to the front sides of the car to prevent scratches

The spoiler is glued to the front sides of the car to prevent scratches

Tạo kiểu dáng Sporty hơn khi lắp chắn gió cho xe NVX

Create a more Sporty look when installing the windshield for the NVX

Tông sẹc tông với màu sắc của xe tạo nên set đồ ưng ý

Tone tones with the color of the car create a satisfactory set of clothes

Cánh gió NVX kèm theo hiệu ứng đèn đẹp mờ ảo

NVX spoiler with beautiful blurred light effect

Tông sẹc tông giúp cho xế có thêm điểm nhấn tạo ấn tượng

Tone tones help the driver have more impressive accents

Cánh gió NVX cực chất 2
The red spoiler has been attached to the car
Cánh gió NVX cực chất 3
2017 NVX spoiler seen from the left
Cánh gió NVX cực chất 5
2017 NVX spoiler seen from the right
Cánh gió NVX cực chất 6
Close-up of the NVX 2017 wing

 Kiểu dáng gọn nhẹ cũng là một điểm nhấn nhẹ nhưng chất của cánh gió NVX

The compact design is also a light but quality highlight of the NVX . wing

Ngoài ra còn có màu đỏ đẹp mắt - có thể gắn kèm theo tem đỏ dạ quang cưc độc đáo

There is also a beautiful red color - can be attached with a unique luminous red stamp

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