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OKM Racing broken gear set

11/08/2017 432 đã xem

OKM Racing broken gear set

Broken number is a car toy that needs to be replaced if you like expensive Sporty models to help your beloved driver become more prominent and impressive than the zin toy cars equipped by the manufacturer. Broken numbers are currently very popular with bikers.

There is an additional option for those of you who like the Sporty look of the broken gear set. Hoang Tri Racing Shop introduces you to the OKM Racing broken gear set ( two-person broken gear set ) to satisfy your passion for cars as well as your car decoration.

When the OKM Racing gearshift is broken , parts such as the brake pedal of the original car will be removed and replaced with the excellent OKM Racing broken gear . The brake pedal and gear lever will move to the bottom, making your body lean forward and making the driver love like a PKL motorcycle lover. In addition, the OKM Racing broken gear set is also equipped with a rear footrest with a set of cardboard tones together.

Currently, the OKM Racing set of broken gears includes 4 colors: Orange, Yellow, Silver and Red . Suitable for different vehicles and with different colors to be creative.

If you are a fan of PKL and broken number motorcycles OKM Racing is right for you. Immediately call Hoang Tri Racing Shop: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25 for advice and online ordering.

See more pictures of OKM Racing broken numbers for your eyes :

OKM Racing broken gear set is taken in real life

OKM Racing broken gear set is taken in real life

Số gãy được chụp từ trên xuống

The number of fractures is taken from the top

Số gãy màu vàng óng ánh đẹp mắt trên nền đen của xe

Beautiful iridescent yellow broken number on the black background of the car

Một tông vàng vàng nổi bật kết hợp mâm kuni đẹp mắt

A striking golden tone combined with a beautiful kuni tray

Đã trang bị số gãy OKM Racing cho Winner 150

Equipped with OKM Racing broken number for Winner 150

Với màu đỏ tông sẹc tông với màu xe của xế yêu

With a red color that matches the color of your car

Trang bị thêm gác chân sau cho người ngồi phía sau

Equip the rear footrest for the person sitting in the back

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