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PCX 2014 headlight increaser circuit

11/08/2017 436 đã xem

PCX 2014 headlight increaser circuit

PCX 2014 headlights lose their color when compared to other car lights. Not only that, for dark roads and country roads, the lack of light of the PCX 2014 headlights makes you feel uncomfortable when the light is not enough to provide you with a good view. How to increase the brightness of PCX 2014 headlights? In this article, Hoang Tri Racing Shop will tell you how to make PCX 2014 headlights brighter.

Products not to be missed: Disc after PCX 2014

Received many comments about how to increase the brightness of the PCX 2014 headlights ? Hoang Tri Racing Shop has offered a way to add super bright mini LED lights, but customers who do not want to add more outside just want to install zin on the car and if it is integrated into the headlights, it is always good. Therefore, at this time, it can only be that the PCX 2014 headlight increaser circuit is suitable for this customer. Not only does it help increase the light of the PCX 2014 headlights, but the light-up circuit product does not make your car lose its zin such as plastic cutting, drilling and mounting,... The product is directly integrated on the car's zin headlights but give unexpected results.

The PCX 2014 lightening circuit  helps customers who often go on dark roads, village roads, and roads that need light to control, the lighting up circuit will help you safer to control the steering wheel. Helps you avoid potholes, potholes, curves and possibly dikes with just enough width for your wheels. Make your experience more wonderful with strong light and can see your surroundings easily. The product is designed specifically for the 2014 PCX series, suitable for the battery as well as does not affect the power of the lights, does not consume the absolute savings for the 2014 PCX.

Need more advice, please go to 1 of 2 branches to discuss directly:

Address 1:  158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2:  586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Close-up of the light circuitry installed for the PCX 2014

Close-up of the light circuitry installed for the PCX 2014

Increase the light but still ensure the life of the headlight

Increase the light but still ensure the life of the headlight

Experience lighting up the PCX 2014 headlights with a boost circuit

Experience lighting up the PCX 2014 headlights with a boost circuit

PCX 2014 sau khi đã lắp mạch tăng sáng đèn pha

PCX 2014 after installing the headlight increaser circuit

ánh sáng đèn pha mạnh hơn và không hư tổn bình ắc quy

The headlight light is stronger and does not damage the battery

Bo mạch được thiết kế riêng phù hợp cho xe PCX 2014

Specially designed board for PCX 2014

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