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PCX 2018 Hybrid left shackle switch for ADV 150

11/08/2017 393 đã xem

PCX 2018 Hybrid left shackle switch for ADV 150

When it comes to the switch shackle on the left of the car, what comes to mind is the CB650f switch shackle that was introduced before. However, Hoang Tri Shop wants customers to have more choices, so it has added a left switch shackle product for ADV 150 which is the left PCX 2018 Hybrid switch shackle. Let's take a look at what details will be upgraded in this switch shackle!

Maybe you want to take a look: CB650f . left switch shackle

Speaking of the left PCX 2018 Hybrid switch shackle , it must be mentioned that the design is especially neat but full of features for a switch shackle. The mode button is designed in a convenient position for pressing and releasing. In addition, a cos/phase switch is also equipped at the left PCX switch shackle for ADV 150. When the switch shackle is for your pet, depending on the usage needs, customers can choose. features for the switch shackles such as: cos/phase, passing, on/off lights,...  In addition, another feature is the decoration of the car that is different from the manufacturer version to go offline to exchange with friend.

Coming to Hoang Tri Shop, you can visit more than 100 accessories for the ADV 150 series and freely observe, touch with your own hands and go to the shop's website to see the actual images when installed on the car. what it will look like. Customers can also order right at the website to be able to support nationwide shipping. For more information, you can directly contact 1 of 2 branches of the shop.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Add an ADV 150 to the PCX 2018 Hybrid switch shackle

Add an ADV 150 to the PCX 2018 Hybrid switch shackle

The special Mode button is located at an easy-to-operate position

The special Mode button is located at an easy-to-operate position

Fits the ADV 150 very well - it doesn't feel like an extra accessory

Fits the ADV 150 very well - it doesn't feel like an extra accessory

Depending on the needs of the customer, the features on the switch shackles are different

Depending on the needs of the customer, the features on the switch shackles are different

Nếu là bạn, chức năng gì sẽ được độ cho cùm công tắc PCX 2018 Hybrid này?

If you are, what function will be customized for this PCX 2018 Hybrid switch shackle?

Trên tay cùm công tắc PCX 2018 Hybrid

PCX 2018 Hybrid switch shackle on hand

Nhân viên đang chuẩn bị lắp đặt cho chiếc ADV 150

Staff is preparing to install 150 . ADV

Sản phẩm đã được lắp đặt hoàn thiện cho ADV 150 màu trắng

The product has been fully installed for the white ADV 150

Nút Passing thần thánh có thể bóp thả một cách nhanh chóng

Mode button on the left switch shackle of PCX 2018 hybrid

Ngoài ra còn có công tắc Mode giúp tùy chỉnh các thông số trên đồng hồ

Can be customized according to your needs when equipped with this switch shackle

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