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PCX 2018 rear platter, imported from Indonesia

11/08/2017 425 đã xem

PCX 2018 rear platter, imported from Indonesia

If before, it was very difficult to adjust the disc after PCX 2018 and needed a lot of techniques, now with the Indonesian imported PCX 2018 rear disc, it helps you to get on the PCX 2018 zin disc completely without making porridge and this helps. Customers who live far away can still buy the wheels and put them on the back plate for their pet easily. Consult and order right at Hoang Tri Shop website!

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The demand for zin, uncontrollable levels of customers is increasing day by day, so the processed products are gradually replaced by original, unprocessed products. Therefore, the Indonesian-imported PCX 2018 rear disc tray is a product that customers should refer to to be able to equip their pet. This is a product line imported directly from Indonesia, the monolithic die-cast wheel is designed with 4 holes to catch the rear disc. The difference from the previous product is that the aluminum cage is added to install the rear disc for your pet, and for the Indonesian rear disc wheel with PCX 2018 at Hoang Tri Shop, there is no need to do this.

Customers who are in need of a disc after PCX 2018 just need to refer, order this wheel to be able to install it for their pet quickly without the need for a time-consuming mode. Vi vu quickly, brakes safely with the rear disc PCX 2018 . For customers in Ho Chi Minh City, you can directly visit 1 of 2 Hoang Tri Racing Shop branches for advice on installation for your pet.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

The back plate of PCX 2018 is pre-drilled with 4 disc holes

The back plate of PCX 2018 is pre-drilled with 4 disc holes

Quality Indo products bring a great experience to you

Quality Indo products bring a great experience to you

The tray is painted with modern and solid matte paint

The tray is painted with modern and solid matte paint

Sản phẩm được khắc Made in Indonesia trên mâm

The product is engraved Made in Indonesia on the tray

Toàn cảnh từ xa phía bên kia của mâm độ đĩa sau PCX 2018

Panoramic view from the other side of the PCX 2018" rear disc

Cách thông số của mâm độ đĩa sau PCX 2018

The parameters of the rear disc wheel PCX 2018

Trải nghiệm thức tế chắc chắn rằng bạn khó có thể bỏ qua sản phẩm này

Real experience makes sure you can hardly ignore this product

Hàng mới về nhân viên đã thay thế ngay cho chiếc PCX 2018

New goods arrived, and the staff immediately replaced the PCX 2018

Độ đĩa sau giờ đây trở nên nhanh chóng và tiện lợi

The following disc degrees are now quick and convenient

Mọi việc đã được hoàn tất giờ đây chỉ chờ khách kiểm tra lại

Everything has been completed, now just waiting for the customer to check again

Chuẩn bị bàn giao cho anh khách độ đĩa sau với mâm Indonesia

Preparing to hand over to the customer the following plate with Indonesian tray

Lắp chuẩn zin nên thời gian độ chế được tiết kiệm

Install zin standard, so the mode time is saved

Giúp bạn di chuyển an toàn và phanh thắng nhanh chóng với mâm độ đĩa sau PCX 2018

Help you move safely and brake quickly with the rear disc wheel PCX 2018

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