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PCX clothes hanger

11/08/2017 399 đã xem

Product code : PX35

Price: 65,000VND/piece

The hanger makes it convenient for you to hang essential items such as helmets when going to work or home, etc., located in the middle of the handlebars and fitted around the tube in a tight style. Squeeze the bolt close to the handlebar tube on your car, very solid and aesthetic.

Due to the design of the PCX car, there is no place to fit a hanger in the middle like other cars, so you can only choose this product to fit your car and it will help you feel satisfied when using it. in times of need.

Especially this hanger, when installed on the car, will not affect the plastic part of your car such as drilling holes or screwing directly into the plastic part, losing zin and losing the aesthetic like other types of car hangers. PCX.


Pictures after installing the product on the car.


PCX clothes hanger


Puzzle hanger


The red arrow in the illustration shows you where to install the hanger.


Tag: PCX , AirBlade cu , AirBlade 2011 , Lead , Vision , Wave RSX 2012 , Dan glue car , Stamps vehicles , anti-theft locks , K hung bao ve

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