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Protect the engine block NVX - RZ Racing

11/08/2017 484 đã xem

Protect the engine block NVX - RZ Racing

There are many ways to decorate your engine block such as NVX transparent engine block, chrome-plated or carbon-painted engine cover. However, there is another way that can help your car shine, but not as sophisticated as a transparent engine block or too sparkly like a chrome-plated engine block. Protect the engine block NVX - RZ Racing have you tried?

Product protection engine block NVX branded RZ Racing made from aluminum CNC provides a striking color brings a very specific color for your car to. There are 2 colors you can choose for your pet: Red and Yellow . With these 2 colors, you can coordinate with the colors of other NVX car toys to complete your own level.

The design has 2 screw holes directly on the engine block to fix the NVX engine block protection product on the car to make sure it doesn't shake. Decorate your NVX car with new accessories docked at Hoang Tri Racing Shop - Protect the RZ Racing brand NVX engine block .

You can order online or you can go directly to Hoang Tri Racing Shop to experience the product and evaluate the quality of the product at one of the shop's 2 branches.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Protect the engine block NVX - RZ Racing in red

Protect the engine block NVX - RZ Racing yellow

NVX has installed a yellow RZ Racing engine block guard

Combined with beautiful reflective wheel decals

Vibrant colors completely highlight the car's engine block position

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