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Racing Boy oil tank fork with ADV 150

11/08/2017 373 đã xem

Racing Boy oil tank fork with ADV 150

For customers who are intending to lower the rear fork of the ADV 150 to make it easier for the rear passengers to get into the car and a more comfortable sitting position, the Racing Boy oil tank fork is a reasonable choice. In addition, the quality and color of the Racing Boy fork oil tank also make many brothers irresistible.

You may want to add: 150 . ADV spokes

Why change the Racing Boy oil tank fork with ADV 150?

The rear seat of the car makes many customers complain about being tall and makes it difficult for people in the back to get into the car with a modest height. Therefore, the decision to lower the height of the rear of the car is the current solution to help reduce the rear of the car to make it easier for the rear passengers to get in and out of the car. Racing Boy oil tank fork is the choice when you have this intention. Installing Racing Boy oil tank fork for ADV 150 helps to reduce the height of the car to about 1.5cm. However, when you sit up, the height will decrease significantly!

The product has 2 colors: red and yellow (spring color). The color of the oil tank remains the same beautiful silver aluminum color and does not change.

zin fork parameters of ADV 150: (Racing Boy oil tank fork height: 38.5cm)

Hole center height: 40cm

Spring diameter: 5.4cm

Upper screw hole: 10 mm

Lower screw hole: 8 mm

Total width: 11.9cm

Oil tank diameter: 4.8cm

Oil tank height: 12.4cm

Overall length: 42cm

You need to experience many ADV 150 car decoration accessories, you can go to one of the two branches of Hoang Tri Racing Shop. We have more than 100 ADV 150 toy car accessories so you can choose the right set of accessories for your pet.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Comparison between Oil tank Racing Boy fork and 150 . ADV zin fork

Comparison between Oil tank Racing Boy fork and 150 . ADV zin fork

Hoang Tri Racing Shop staff is installing Racing Boy fork with oil tank for ADV 150

Hoang Tri Racing Shop staff is installing Racing Boy fork with oil tank for ADV 150

On the left is the zin fork of the car and on the right is an oil tank Racing Boy fork.

On the left is the zin fork of the car and on the right is an oil tank Racing Boy fork.

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