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Racing Boy rims for NVX

11/08/2017 414 đã xem

Racing Boy rims for NVX

With the introduction of the NVX 150 (also known as NVX 2017) late and considered to be born later than its seniors, the Yamaha NVX 155cc has also updated many new toys for this beloved driver from start to finish. The legs help the driver have a new look compared to the original of the company.

Add a new toy for this beloved driver - Racing Boy NVX 155cc wheel . With a pair of genuine Racing Boy wheels for the NVX 155cc, you can buy it and install it yourself, completely simple. The special thing is that there is no need to make anything attached like zin.

Note: The product price includes changing the zin wheels of the NVX 155cc (If customers want to keep the zin wheels, please contact 0909 4747 13 or 0909 5030 25 for pricing).

See more pictures of genuine Racing Boy forks for NVX 155cc:

Genuine Racing Boy rims for NVX 155cc

Guests who are far away can buy and install it themselves quickly and conveniently.

Racing Boy rims on NVX with Racing Boy oil tank fork

Racing Boy rims on NVX with Racing Boy oil tank fork

Installed Racing Boy wheels with some NVX car toys

Installed Racing Boy wheels with some NVX car toys

The zin wheel of the car has been disassembled and replaced with a Racing Boy wheel

The zin wheel of the car has been disassembled and replaced with a Racing Boy wheel

Standard style stands out with the iridescent gold color of the Raicng Boy

Standard style stands out with the iridescent gold color of the Raicng Boy

Kẹp dây dầu, past heo dầu, gù chống đỗ mỗi món đồ chơi mỗi vẻ đẹp khác nhau

Clip the oil cord, paste the oil pig, and prevent the parking from falling, each toy has a different beauty

Mâm sau Racing Boy với sức hút bánh to hoành tráng

Racing Boy rear wheel with big wheel appeal

Toàn cảnh phía trái của NVX sau khi lắp mâm Racing Boy

Overview of the left side of the NVX after installing Racing Boy wheels

Bên phía bên phải của NVX sau khi độ đồ chơi xe tại Hoàng Trí Racing Shop

The right side of NVX after customizing car toys at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

See also: Racing Boy fork with NVX oil tank

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