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Rear bumper Sh Y for Vison 2013

11/08/2017 375 đã xem

Rear bumper Sh Y for Vison 2013

SH Italy of Honda car company and belongs to the high-end scooter segment of this company. With a huge cost to be able to own this lovely car. Therefore, many car players want their favorite car to have something similar to the luxury of this car.

The rear bumper of SH Italy is the attention of many people when they see that the rear bumper makes their beloved car stand out and be most recognizable. The rear bumper of SH Italy is in turn customized for many scooter models such as: SH Vietnam old generations, SH 2017, Happy Vision, ...

Many customers own Vision cars and always ask the question: "Can the rear bumper of SH Italy be mounted for Vision?" - Totally okay! Hoang Tri Racing Shop introduces to customers a new product line at Hoang Tri SH Italian rear bumper with Vision 2013 to satisfy customers' wishes.

With structure and design similar to that of SH Italy and fitted with Vision 2013 and secured with 3 screws to ensure grip and firmness when driving or moving the vehicle.

Call now 0909 4747 13 or 0909 5030 25 for product advice.

Scroll down to see more pictures of the rear bumper of SH Italy with Vision :

The rear bumper has a nice vision attached

The rear bumper has a nice vision attached

Your car becomes more classy when you install this accessory

Your car becomes more classy when you install this accessory

Handle firmly and attach zin to your car

Handle firmly and attach zin to your car

Rear view of the rear bumper SH Italy mounted Vision

Rear view of the rear bumper SH Italy mounted Vision

The black rear bumper has been upgraded for Vision

The black rear bumper has been upgraded for Vision

Black and white tones are more beautiful and classy with the rear bumper SH Italy

Black and white tones are more beautiful and classy with the rear bumper SH Italy

Silver rear bumper custom made for Vision

Silver rear bumper custom made for Vision

Chic and trendy with Italian SH style

Chic and trendy with Italian SH style

Firmly and comfortably grips the handlebars for a comfortable ride

Firmly and comfortably grips the handlebars for a comfortable ride

Vision 2013 now has a stylish toy

Vision 2013 now has a stylish toy

Make it easy with this classy toy on Vision 2013

Make it easy with this classy toy on Vision 2013

See also: Vision

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