When the night comes, it's time to light up with the beauty of all kinds of lights. LED advertising lights on signs, led lights, led lights of traffic lights,... But for the Biker people, the night comes when it's time for a car parade, car passion with motorcycle toys with lights . In particular, rotating led hunchback gloves for sh Vietnamese drivers. With the sparkling beauty of motorcycle gloves, Biker considers it an indispensable highlight for his beloved driver. With the beauty of the light and combined with the color of the led light, it brings different styles.
The led hump light can be attached to almost all cars. Quick installation time. Come to Hoang Tri Racing Shop to immediately install rotating led humpback gloves for your driver.
Rotating LED humpback gloves with striking blue LED
Close-up of rotating LED hunchback gloves on SH 2012 (left glove)
Close-up of rotating LED hunchback gloves on SH 2012 (right glove)
Led humpback gloves rotate to the right of the sh vn driver
With different color led lights will bring different styles
Blue and white lights help the driver to love the tone with the driver
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