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Sinhal multi led - Nouvo LX

11/08/2017 422 đã xem

Sinhal multi led - colorful in the middle of the night

Sinhal multy led light with compact design, does not make room for other motorcycle toys.

Can be installed with the number plate past

In addition, the compactness does not affect the light of the multy led Sinhal lamp. With extremely bright light and it will be easy for people behind the car to know that they are asking for directions.

Let's take a look at the multy led Sinhal lights that have been installed for Nouvo LX at Hoang Tri Racing Shop :

Sinhal multi led lights are compact compared to license plates

Sinhal multi led lights are compact compared to license plates

Lên đèn sinhal multy led tiết kiệm được nhiều diện tích khác để lên món đồ chơi khác

Put up a multi-led Sinhal lamp to save a lot of space to put on another toy

Ánh sáng cực sáng sẽ làm cho người phía sau chú ý. Tính an toàn cao

Extremely bright light will make people behind you notice. High security

See more:

Degree of Past license plate Rizoma Nouvo LX

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