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Sirius Fi Owl Eye Lamp 2013-2017

11/08/2017 391 đã xem

Sirius Fi Owl Eye Lamp 2013-2017

After the waiting time of the brothers, the Sirius Fi owl eye lamp product 2013 - 2017 was also released today. With the owl-eye lights, it's no different from the previous models, but the difference here is that the 2 Oblock lights are arranged on the top and bottom instead of the owl-eye lights of other cars are 1 row.

In order to install Sirius Fi owl lights 2013 - 2017 , Hoang Tri Racing Shop staff will adjust the lights on the passenger car's zin mask and the expected completion time is about 1 working day.

For customers with no time:

If customers do not have time to wait 1 day to customize the mask, please visit Hoang Tri Racing Shop to remove the mask and get the car back. When Hoang Tri Racing Shop finishes installing the owl eye lights on your mask, Hoang Tri Racing Shop will call you to come and install it.

For remote customers:

If you live far away and want to install Sirius fi owl lights 2013 - 2017 , please remove the mask on the car and send it to Hoang Tri Racing Shop (address at the end of the post). After completing the adjustment of the owl eye lamp for Sirius Fi 2013 - 2017 , Hoang Tri Shop will send it back to you and a staff member will guide you to do it after receiving the Sirius Fi 2013 - 2017 owl eye lamp product .

Note: The above price applies the light level on the car's zin mask

Sirius Fi owl face video 2013 - 2017

Owl eye lamp mounted on zin Sirius Fi mask 2013 - 2017


2 Oblock lights are installed above and below like other car models

Sirius owl eyes have been installed on the car

Sirius owl eyes have been installed on the car

Standard color with beautiful bright blue light on the car

Standard color with beautiful bright blue light on the car

The product is very beautiful and attracts everyone's attention

The product is very beautiful and attracts everyone's attention

See also: Sirius car toys

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