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Spirit Beast handlebar switch

11/08/2017 447 đã xem

Spirit Beast handlebar switch

Many brothers customize Audi LED lights, assist lights, car horns as well as other electrical equipment. There is a small attention that is afraid of the traffic policemen to notice as well as the need for a switch to make it easier to turn on and off and to be able to dodge safely. Therefore, the Spirit Beast handlebar switch is one of the necessary accessories for you right now!

Recommended equipment: Model Biker hanger

The Spirit Beast handlebar switch is a new product line of Spirit Beast with the function of acting as a switch for electrical equipment on motorcycles and is installed for vehicles with bare handlebar design such as: PCX, ADV, .. . Fitting standard zin not prepared porridge, wires are available with 2 buttons switch. The product is used to control devices such as: Passing switch, L4 light assist, L4X light, Audi LED light,... Can quickly turn off and open devices just need to push the button and everything is back. normal!

How to install Spirit Beast handlebars:

Step 1: Use the hexagon screw to disassemble the Spirit beast handlebar switch (front and back)

Step 2: Clip the front and rear duo to the ceiling handlebars and tighten the screws to fix it

Step 3: Depending on the accessory as well as the location of the wiring to that accessory and check the switch again

With just 3 basic steps, you have a Spirit Beast switch with 2 buttons to control 2 accessories quickly and easily. Equip it now if you want to automatically turn on and off the electrical equipment retrofitted to your pet. Order or visit one of 2 branches of Hoang Tri Shop for installation advice.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

On and off Demi ADV150 headlights and lights - Genuine Spirit Beast 2-button switch

ADV 150 degrees of light assist, CB650F switch shackles, Spirit Beast switch

Cận cảnh chi tiết công tắc ghi đông trần Spirit Beast

Close-up details of Spirit Beast ceiling handlebar switch

Đó chính là công tắc Spirit Beast để tắt đèn pha của xe

That is the Spirit Beast switch to turn off the car's headlights

Các dòng xe được nhập khẩu hầu hết không thể tắt đèn pha

Most imported cars cannot turn off the headlights

Ngoài ra, để tăng sáng đèn pha Fino Sporty anh khách còn lựa chọn cho mình Đèn Pha Led XHP 70 L9

In addition, to increase the light of Fino Sporty headlights, customers also choose for themselves

XHP 70 L9 . Led Headlight

Công tắc ghi đông Spirit Beast màu đỏ lắp trên xe Ninja400

Red Spirit Beast handlebar switch mounted on Ninja400

Xế cưng trông có điểm nhấn hơn ở phần đầu xe khi trang bị công tắc ghi đông

The car looks more prominent at the front of the car when it is equipped with a handlebar switch

Góc cận cảnh chi tiết công tắc Spirit Beast lắp ghi đông Ninja 400

Close-up detail of Spirit Beast switch with Ninja 400 . handlebar

Thêm một chiếc ADV 150 đến lắp đặt công tắc Spirit Beast

One more ADV 150 to install Spirit Beast switch

Cận cảnh công tắc với 2 nút xanh lá và đỏ để phân biệt dễ dàng hơn

Close-up of the switch with 2 green and red buttons for easier identification

Gắn gọn gàng và chắc chắn trên ghi đông của xe ADV 150

Mounts neatly and securely on the handlebars of ADV 150

Cận cảnh công tắc ghi đông trần Spirit Beast với chất liệu nhôm CNC

Close-up of Spirit Beast ceiling switch with CNC aluminum material

Với 2 nút bấm, điều khiển 2 thiết bị điện nhanh chóng, tiện lợi

With 2 buttons, control 2 electrical devices quickly and conveniently

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