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Stainless steel basket for Scoopy

11/08/2017 493 đã xem

Stainless steel basket for Scoopy

If the baga in front of the Scoopy Vespa does not make you flutter, then the stainless steel basket made for Scoopy may be the right product for you. The design is neater than the baga before the Scoopy Vespa and can store personal items on the Scoopy stainless steel basket. Check it out now, if you like it, then customize it for your pet!

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You may have seen images of stainless steel baskets on the Wave Alpha. Many brothers own the Scoopy line with the desire to customize the stainless steel basket for Scoopy cars to bring a new experience to car owners. However, the stainless steel basket does not support standard mounting for Scoopy. You need to immediately go to one of the 2 branches of Hoang Tri Racing Shop for installation support because it needs to be re-modified to be able to mount it for your pet.

The basket is made of anti-rust stainless steel, woven together with stainless steel frames to prevent your items from falling out. Scoopy stainless steel basket is the solution for those who are often outside, Scoopy stainless steel basket creates more storage space for personal belongings quickly and easily. Immediately equip the Scoopy stainless steel basket for your pet to experience the utility that the Scoopy stainless steel basket brings.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

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One more Scoopy with a broken stainless steel basket

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With only 1 product, it brings great convenience to the car

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Nếu bạn có cách sắp xếp trên rổ thì chiếc rổ inox còn chứa được nhiều vật dụng hơn nữa

If you have a way to arrange on the basket, the stainless steel basket can hold a lot

more widgets

Rổ inox đã được trang bị cho Scoopy

Stainless steel basket has been equipped for Scoopy

Có thể để được các vật dụng cá nhân trên rổ

Can put personal items on the basket

Chất liệu inox chống gỉ sét và luôn sáng bóng

Stainless steel material is anti-rust and always shiny

Được độ chế lại chắc chắn và không rung lắc trên xe Scoopy

Firmly reconditioned and shake-free on Scoopy

Trông lạ mắt và độc đáo - một trải nghiệm mới cho anh em sở hữu Scoopy

Looks fancy and unique - a new experience for Scoopy owners

Góc trực diện rổ inox trên Scoopy

Direct angle of stainless steel basket on Scoopy

Toàn cảnh chiếc Scoopy sau khi trang bị rổ inox

Overview of the Scoopy after equipping the stainless steel basket

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