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Stainless steel stand for Vario, Airblade, PCX, Sh Mode

11/08/2017 550 đã xem

Stainless steel stand for Vario, Airblade, PCX, Sh Mode

The stainless steel tilting stand has been recently introduced by Hoang Tri Shop. However, to make your pet's car more synchronized, there is nothing better than equipping a stand for your pet's driver. Now, Hoang Tri Shop introduces to you a set of stainless steel legs for motorbikes (tilt and anti-stand) to help your pet look more synchronized and beautiful. Refer to the details below and equip your pet!

Maybe you just want: Motorcycle Tilt Stand

Normally, the anti-tilt and anti-roll legs of motorcycles  with black color lack the prominence and color for your pet. Therefore, the set of stainless steel footrests for motorcycles  is a breath of fresh air to help customers replace the zin stand on the vehicle easily and quickly. Create a highlight for your car with the shiny white color of stainless steel. In addition, with stainless steel material, it will help the legs resist long-term use and prevent oxidation from rusting this accessory like conventional iron legs.

The set of props includes: stainless steel stand and stainless steel tilting feet

The motorcycle stainless steel foot set  helps the pet driver regain his worthy luxury. In addition, customers who have used the car for a long time and the anti-rust feet should immediately order a set of stainless steel legs for motorbikes from Hoang Tri Shop because the standard installed product will not make porridge for many. vehicles. Customers can also visit one of the two branches of Hoang Tri Shop to consult before buying a set of stainless steel legs for their pet.

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Bộ chân chống inox Airblade 2016

Airblade 2016 stainless steel stand set

Sản phẩm bao gồm chân chống nghiêng và chân chống đứng inox

Products include anti-tilt legs and stainless steel stand

Chắc chắn, bền bỉ và chống gỉ sét tốt hơn sản phẩm từ sắt thông thường

Firm, durable and anti-rust better than ordinary iron products

Chiếc Vario 2018 lắp đặt trọn bộ chân chống inox thay thế chân chống zin

The Vario 2018 installed a full set of stainless steel feet to replace the zin stand

Anh khách còn lựa chọn lò xo titan để thay thế cho lò xo zin

The customer also chooses titanium springs to replace zin springs

Sản phẩm cứng cáp chắc chắn trên xe Vario

Solid and sturdy product on Vario cars

Lắp đặt chuẩn zin, nhanh chóng cho Vario 2018

Standard and fast installation for Vario 2018

toàn cảnh chiếc Vario 2018 lên trọn bộ chân chống inox và trọn bộ ốc kiểu titan cho xe

Full view of Vario 2018 on a full set of stainless steel legs and a full set of titanium screws for the car

Chân chống đứng inox đã được trang bị trên xe Airblade 2020

Stainless steel stand has been fitted on the Airblade 2020

Chắc chắn và trông sáng bóng hơn phiên bản nhà sản xuất

Firmer and more shiny than the manufacturer version

Một cách để tạo điểm nhấn cho xế cưng của bạn

A way to create a highlight for your pet

Gọn gàng, nổi bật và thu hút sự chú ý của mọi người với combo chân chống airblade

Neat, stand out and grab everyone's attention with the airblade kick combo

Toàn cảnh chân chống nghiêng airblade, chân chống đứng airblade đã được trang bị cho xế cưng Airblade 2020

Panoramic view of airblade tilt stand, airblade stand

Has been equipped for the Airblade 2020 pet driver

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