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Stickers scratched aluminum decal to change the color of Spacy

11/08/2017 515 đã xem

Stickers scratched aluminum decal to change the color of Spacy

Spacy is a long-standing and antique car line today. Therefore, the issue of time making the car older is natural. However, to keep your car new, what do you need to do? Hoang Tri Racing Shop tells you how to make a newer Spacy car, which is to paste the scratched aluminum decal to change the car color to make your Spacy always radiant and impressive.

You may want to check out: Car Glue

For old cars, cars that have been used for a long time, car glue is no longer suitable. Because at this time, "aging" problems have happened to my pet driver. To make your car newer, you need to completely repaint your pet and this will of course cost a lot of money. You can refer to the scratch aluminum decal sticker service at Hoang Tri Racing Shop.

When to apply scratched aluminum decal for car:

- When the car has a lot of scratches, I want to cover those "defects"

- When you want to change the color of your car and this is an effective and fast way

- Change the style of your pet and want to attract more eyes

You can refer to the obvious change of the Spacy after sticking the scratched aluminum decal at Hoang Tri Shop. In addition, Hoang Tri Shop also has a motorbike painting service, so you can refer to and choose how to make your car newer at the shop!

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Dear car before applying the purple scratched aluminum decal

Dear car before applying the purple scratched aluminum decal

You can clearly see the delicate scratches

You can clearly see the delicate scratches

The car owner chooses the search color to change the car color for this Spacy

The car owner chooses the search color to change the car color for this Spacy

The car looks newer and more unique with purple color

The car looks newer and more unique with purple color

Purple people often say sad but not true for this pet

Purple people often say sad but not true for this pet

Looks fresh and beautiful - come to Hoang Tri now for more advice

Looks fresh and beautiful - come to Hoang Tri now for more advice

Overview of Spacy with scratched aluminum decals at Hoang Tri Shop

Overview of Spacy with scratched aluminum decals at Hoang Tri Shop

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