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Take pictures of rear glass screws SH 2020

11/08/2017 392 đã xem

Take pictures of rear glass screws SH 2020

The rear glass screws often rust and cause the car to lose its aesthetics and beauty when suffering from such a condition. What to do to stop this situation immediately? Hoang Tri Racing Shop reveals to you an accessory to limit rust on the rear glass screws - Take a photo of the rear glass screws SH 2020.

Commonly purchased products: Rizoma 5-sided slanted glass with SH 2020

Rear-view mirror  or  rear -view mirror  is an accessory that helps the right side mirror if you do not use it, it will be safer to prevent iron oxidation to rust this accessory. The accessory restricts rainwater from entering the rear glass hole and cannot escape to cause rust. Although equipped with the SH 2020 rear glass screw cap, you need to try to clean and use an air gun to shoot water out to protect your car against rust more completely. In addition, equipping  the SH 2020 rear-view mirror  also brings a special highlight for your beloved car to make the plastic frame of the car more seamless and no longer see the rear glass screw hole.

If you have not yet equipped with  the SH 2020 rear-view mirror  , quickly equip it for your pet to prevent rust! Come to one of the 2 branches of Hoang Tri Racing Shop to equip this accessory!

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Take black SH 2020 rear glass screws with SH 2020 standard

Take black SH 2020 rear glass screws with SH 2020 standard

In hand, take a black SH 2020 rear glass screw

In hand, take a black SH 2020 rear glass screw

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Sh 2020 with black glass screw cap

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Your car looks more seamless with the SH 2020 rear-view mirror imager

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Protect your glass legs effectively with this accessory

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Lắp vừa khít cho ốc kiếng hậu không cần chế cháo như mẫu cũ bên dưới

Fits snugly for the rear glass screws without making porridge like the old model below

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The product after being installed on the car looks very suitable

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Take a black SH 2020 rear-view mirror

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The product has been installed for the SH 2020 in color tones with the car

Bảo vệ chân kiếng không bị gỉ sét

Protect the glass legs from rust

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