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The rear fork lowers Winner's tail

11/08/2017 453 đã xem

The rear fork lowers Winner's tail - destroys all distances

Winner is designed in the form of a sports car and is suitable for Bikers with tall and muscular bodies. So what about the more modest Bikers? How to lower the tail of the winner to suit these Bikers? Hoang Tri Racing Shop always thinks of new problems to come up with solutions to support Biker to help them unleash their hobby.

Many Bikers confided: " The winner's tail is too high, is there any way to fix it? " - There is exactly a way to lower the winner's tail to reduce the height of this driver, which is to change the rear fork to lower the winner's tail . In this way, Hoang Tri will replace the zin rear fork with another fork to lower part of the driver's height.

Lower Winner rear fork with zin fork - this is the most effective method compared to previous methods. With 2 options for you as follows:

+ Exchange the zin fork on the car for the zin fork that is available at the shop with an attractive price of 1,100,000 VND

+ You buy a whole fork that is available in the shop to keep the zin fork, the cost is VND 2,200,000

Some notes when lowering Winner forks:

+ Winner forks customized at the shop are warranted under genuine Honda mode for 12 months

+ Hoang Tri will not retract the fork for any reason.

+ If the product is defective, the shop will provide a free warranty for the customer.

+ Warranty is applied in case the product is contaminated

+ Shop is not responsible for warranty in case the car is shaken

Cam kết với anh em là phuộc sau Winner được nhập từ chính hãng Honda và được độ lại lo xò để hạ chiều cao của yên xe xuống thấp hơn so với xe nguyên bản. Đảm bảo là khi lưu thông xe sẽ không bị tình trạng đụng gầm xe như biện pháp hạ phuộc trước đây mà Hoàng Trí shop đã nghiên cứu.

Mời xem hình ảnh để biết thêm về gắn phuộc hạ đuôi xe winner tại Hoàng Trí Racing Shop:

Fork zin winner is imported genuine Honda at Hoang Tri Racing Shop

Phuộc zin winner được nhập chính hãng Honda tại Hoàng Trí Racing Shop

Replacement fork that lowers the rear of the winner VS the winner's zin fork

Phuộc thay thế hạ đuôi xe winner VS phuộc zin xe winner

Hoang Tri staff is attaching the rear fork to lower the tail for the winner

Nhân viên Hoàng Trí đang gắn phuộc sau hạ đuôi cho winner

Finish attaching and put the shirt on

Gắn xong và lắp dàn áo winner vào xe thôi

Lowering the winner's fork helps the modest-sized Biker to move naturally

Hạ phuộc xe winner giúp Biker dáng vóc khiêm tốn có thể vi vu tự nhiên

Check the shape after installing the winner's rear fork

Check the shape after installing the winner's rear fork

see more

Winner car toy

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