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Toy car - Racing Boy rear fork with oil tank

11/08/2017 311 đã xem

Hoang Tri Racing Shop introduces to Biker brothers, Racing Boy rear fork with oil tank. When buying a Racing Boy rear fork with oil at Hoang Tri Racing Shop, you can rest assured:

 Item quality assurance

 Can be installed: Sh VN , Airblade, Nouvo,...

 6 months warranty when used with manufacturer defects

 Many colors to choose from to match your car

 Enthusiastic and thoughtful advice

High-class Racing Boy oil tank fork on the car

High-class Racing Boy oil tank fork on the car

Overview of the SH 2017 driver after the car is full of toys

Overview of the SH 2017 driver after the car is full of toys

Genuine Racing Boy fork without oil tank

Genuine Racing Boy fork without oil tank

Price: 1,750,000 VND

Close-up of Racing Boy fork and warranty stamp of Hoang Tri Racing Shop

A close-up of the gorgeous forks and the warranty stamp of Hoang Tri Racing Shop

Already installed for car Nouvo

Already installed for car Nouvo

The forks are rated for quality durability

The forks are rated for quality durability

Open the box of Racing Boy oil tank

Open the Racing Boy rear fork box with oil tank

Racing Boy rear fork with black oil tank

Racing Boy rear fork with black oil tank

In addition, there are many colors for customers to choose (Yellow)

In addition, there are many colors for customers to choose (Yellow)

Close-up of Racing Boy rear fork with oil tank

Close-up of Racing Boy rear fork with oil tank

Racing Boy blue oil tank fork stands out more than other colors

Racing Boy blue oil tank fork stands out more than other colors

Price: 3,500,000 VND

Looking from the right side of the racing boy fork, the oil tank is very eye-catching

Looking from the right side of the racing boy oil tank fork, the oil tank is very eye-catching

Close-up of racing boy fork with blue oil tank is very beautiful and outstanding

Close-up of racing boy fork with blue oil tank is very beautiful and outstanding

See more:  Exciter toy car - Racingboy hand brake

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