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Transparent Poetry NVX

11/08/2017 400 đã xem

Transparent Poetry NVX

The NVX transparent engine block is said to be a hot accessory for NVX cars. However, with the transparent feature, the NVX transparent poe is more popular with people with the surprisingly transparent nature of the product. After reading this article, don't forget to go up and give it to your pet.

With the brand Zhi.Pat has had great success with toys for many different vehicles. Especially the 2-storey motorcycle lights. Adding an accessory to the Zhi.Pat common house is the NVX transparent line . With this line, you will be able to see the inside of the car completely and you can decorate this magical NVX car toy .

The inside of the transparent pot you can install a few more decorative patterns to make the po e look more vibrant and beautiful. Not only that, many car players also decorate flower gardens, miniature models, ... on the inside of the po e.

Products fitted with standard zin for NVX 2017. You can order through Hoang Tri Shop website and wait for delivery, or you can go directly to the shop to buy products at one of 2 branches of Hoang Tri Racing Shop. :

Address 1:  158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Tel: (028) 6 271 3025

Mobifone: 0909 50 30 25 - 0909 60 30 25

Address 2:  586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Tel: (028) 6 68 63 586

Mobifone: 0909 17 47 13 - 0909 47 47 13

Note: The product price does not include decorative animals for the transparent po e

Blue NVX transparent hood

Blue NVX transparent hood

Purple NVX transparent hood

Purple NVX transparent hood

Black NVX transparent hood

Black NVX transparent hood

Red NVX transparent hood

Red NVX transparent hood

Gray NVX transparent hood

Gray NVX transparent hood

Transparent NVX blue smokey black

Transparent NVX blue smokey black

Add more pets for more fun inside the transparent po e

Add more pets for more fun inside the transparent po e

The color stands out on the background of this orange NVX car

The color stands out on the background of this orange NVX car

NVX 2017 đã lắp đặt pô e trong suốt màu đen

NVX 2017 has installed black transparent muffler

Kèm theo đó là các con vật trang trí thêm cho xe

Accompanied by additional decorative animals for the car

Có thể nhìn thấy tận bên trong - cảm thấy thú vị hơn

Can see the inside - feel more interesting

Trải nghiệm xe với món đồ chơi xe NVX mới

Experience the car with the new NVX car toy

Cận cảnh chi tiết các pô e trong suốt NVX

Close-up details of transparent NVX

Một xế cưng khác lắp đặt pô e trong suốt

Another pet driver installed a transparent exhaust

Chủ xe không lên thêm các con thú trang trí cho pô e

The owner of the car does not add decorative animals for the po e

NVX dọn theo phong cách Racing nhìn cực chất

NVX cleans up in Racing style and looks great

Một xế cưng khác lắp đặt pô e trong suốt màu đỏ

Another pet driver installed a red transparent exhaust

Rất nhiều con thú kiểng bạn có thể lựa chọn cho pô e

Lots of pets you can choose for po e

Toàn cảnh xe NVX với tông màu đỏ kèm theo các phụ kiện

Overview of NVX car with red tones and accessories

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