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Upside down front fork YSK

11/08/2017 370 đã xem

Upside down front fork YSK

Upside down front fork has been fitted to the modern NVX driver. However, with damaged forks, the Upside down YSK front fork is the perfect alternative.

With the Upside down YSK front fork : jumping, smooth, especially the potholes, you can see the benefits of the Upside down YSK fork.

In addition, the upside down fork YSK can be used for both Exciter 150.

Upside Down YSK fork will be warranted for 6 months.

Warranty: only warranties, no warranty for other cases.

Go to Hoang Tri Racing Shop to tune Upside Down forks.

On hand upside down fork YSK

Various colors make an area beautiful

Various colors make an area beautiful

Classy YSK fork on NVX with luxurious gold color

Classy YSK fork on NVX with luxurious gold color

Feel the smoothness when riding potholes with upside down front fork YSK

Feel the smoothness when riding potholes with upside down front fork YSK

Upside Down YSK fork is a classy choice for NVX lovers

Upside Down YSK fork is a classy choice for NVX lovers

Installing YSK fork on NVX

Installing YSK fork on NVX

Installed upside down fork YSK with L4 . light

Installed upside down fork YSK with L4 . light

Click and drag to move​ YSK fork has been tuned with magic led lights

YSK fork has been customized with magic led lights

Beautiful YSK reverse fork set on love car

Beautiful YSK reverse fork set on love car

Outstanding yellow color on the background of led lights audi NVX

Outstanding yellow color on the background of led lights audi NVX

NVX has upside down fork YSK iridescent gold

Combined with L4 lights, it creates a white light that is easy to see the road at night

Close-up of upside down fork YSK

See also: NVX ornamental toy

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