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Vario nameplate in Thai letters

11/08/2017 434 đã xem

Vario nameplate in Thai letters

With a low cost but still a high-class motorcycle toy. Do you believe? At Hoang Tri Racing Shop there is the item you are looking for. If you don't believe, try it - Vario nameplate with Thai characters is unique and special. Buy products for your pet right now!

The cost is suitable for everyone, every home. The Thai word Vario nameplate is gradually becoming the choice for those of you who own a Vario car and want to have a motorcycle nameplate . Motorcycle nameplates (name in Vietnam) in foreign countries are attached with license plates in front. So after being imported to Vietnam, these cars still have a pat to catch the nameplate for the car . If you do not install the nameplate, it may cause redundant nameplates and make the car unsightly.

You can install a Vario Vietnam mask to replace it, but at a higher cost than the Thai word Vario nameplate. In addition, when installing the Thai word Vario nameplate, it makes the car look more classy and beautiful. Designed with a striking yellow background with black lettering to make the motorcycle nameplate more prominent .

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Note: Custom-made products will incur additional costs compared to the listed price. Completion time from 3-5 days (excluding Saturday and Sunday)

Hoang Tri Racing Shop imported a lot of Vario car nameplates

Hoang Tri Racing Shop imported a lot of Vario car nameplates

Bảng tên Vario chữ Thái Lan làm theo yêu cầu của khách hàng

Vario name board with Thai letters made according to customer's request

Thêm một mẫu bảng tên chữ Thái theo yêu cầu khách hàng

Add a sample of Thai nameplate according to customer request

Cận cảnh bảng tên Vario chữ Thái Lan

Close-up of the Vario nameplate with Thai characters

Nền vàng chữ đen giúp cho xế cưng của bạn nổi bật từ xa

Yellow background with black letters makes your car stand out from afar

Thêm 2 bảng tên chuẩn bị lắp đặt lên xe

2 more nameplates ready to be installed on the car

Thêm một chiếc Vario 2018 đến lắp bảng tên Vario chữ Thái

Add a Vario 2018 to install the Vario Thai nameplate

Xế cưng phía sau cũng được trang bị sản phẩm tương tự

The rear car is also equipped with the same product

Bảng tên Vario chữ Thái Lan sau khi lắp đặt lên xe

Vario nameplate with Thai letters after being installed on the car

Bảng tên Vario chữ Thái đã được lắp trên xe

Vario Thai nameplate makes the car stand out

Theo đó là đổi màu LED demi trên xe thành xanh dương

Comes with a Thai nameplate - customers change the color of the LED lights

Khách hàng mua mặt nạ kèm theo bảng tên chữ thái

Customers buy masks with Thai nameplates

Có thêm bảng tên trắng đen độc đáo dành cho khách hàng không thích màu vàng

There are more unique black and white nameplates for customers who don't like yellow

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