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Vespa Primavera, Vespa Sprint floor bag - Stainless steel floor bag

11/08/2017 486 đã xem

Vespa Primavera, Vespa Sprint floor bag - Stainless steel floor bag

Following the Vespa floor baga series, Hoang Tri Racing Shop introduces more brothers who own Vespa Sprint, Vespa Primavera a model of stainless steel floor baga with anti-rust and shiny stainless steel material to help pet drivers have more highlights. and the floor is resistant to scratches caused by placing heavy objects or carrying goods carelessly. Experience the product right through the article!

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Like other types of floor baga, vespa Sprint - Vespa Primavera stainless steel floor baga is similar. Installed at the floor position of Vespa Sprint, Vespa Primavera is standard, correct, and does not need to take time to make porridge. You can buy it and install it yourself in the fastest and most convenient way.

However, the difference of the Vespa Sprint and Vespa Primavera stainless steel floor baga is that the product is made of stainless steel with utilities such as:

- Shiny colors attract everyone's eyes

- Outstanding anti-rust - stainless steel material

- Install standard zin for cars that do not make porridge.

In addition, Vespa Sprint and Vespa Primavera stainless steel floor bags are also a choice for customers who love the color of stainless steel or customers who already have a stainless steel front bag, a stainless steel rear baga and a stainless steel protective bumper , adding a baga Stainless steel flooring is the right aesthetic solution and makes the car more standard. If you have not installed the above accessories, install the full set of 4 accessories to make your car more gorgeous!

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Phone:  0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Close-up details of Vespa Primavera floor baga, Vespa Sprint - Stainless steel floor baga

Close-up details of Vespa Primavera floor baga, Vespa Sprint - Stainless steel floor baga

Install standard zin for Vespa Sprint - Vespa Primavera does not need to make porridge

Install standard zin for Vespa Sprint - Vespa Primavera does not need to make porridge

Baga sàn Vespa Primavera, Vespa Sprint - Baga sàn inox gắn trên Vespa Primavera

Vespa Primavera, Vespa Sprint floor bag - Stainless steel floor bag mounted on Vespa Primavera

Sự đồng bộ của baga sàn inox với vị trí để chân của xe

The synchronization of the stainless steel floor baga with the footrest position of the car

Bạn có thể để được các vật nặng cũng như chống trầy tại vị trí này

You can put heavy objects as well as prevent scratches in this position

Sản phẩm sau khi lắp đặt trên chiếc Vespa Primavera

Product after installation on Vespa Primavera

Baga sàn phối hợp cùng khung bảo vệ Vespa Primavera

Floor bag combined with Vespa Primavera protective frame

Với baga sàn Vespa xế cưng của bạn sẽ không còn lo lắng bị trầy xước sàn xe

With Vespa floor baga, your pet driver will no longer worry about scratching the floor of the car

Toàn cảnh chiếc Vespa Primavera đã được trang bị baga sàn inox

Overview of the Vespa Primavera that has been equipped with a stainless steel floor baga

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